Dergachev’s Overload Tempo Elemental Galakrond Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: dragon - Type: tempo - Season: season-68 - Style: theorycraft

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General Mulligans

Mulligan for early game, if you have both Invocation and Maniac, you can keep Dragon's Pack I guess. Lightning Storm against aggro only. Remember, that Invocation of Frost 2-1 is elemental, so you can still have value with Earthen Might.

Hello! I’m random high legend (~300-100) Shaman player and deckbuilder. I want to share my thoughts about Shaman possible decks and present to you my Galakrond Overload Elemental Shaman. It’s inspired by every tempo Shaman since beta, shifted to early game a bit. So it have less late game options, but awesome start and midgame. We have overstock at 5 mana, I would prefer cut 2 cards and put something at 3 mana or 7 mana, but whole these 8 5-mana cards are awesome. I did many Dragon decks variation before, because of dragons hype, but after healthy sleep I realised that it was the problem – both overload package and Galakrong package are so overtuned, dragons only pollute this deck. It clicked in my mind, so I think this is almost final draw which I’m going to try first days.

Getting rid of dragons give us so many options. First of all, we have proper early game with overload package support. With Surging Tempest being 1-3 elemental, we also have huge Earthen Might early impact. It’s also useful at the any turn of the game, because we have other elementals + invoke gives us 2-1 elementals with rush, so it’s perfect card for this deck.

Second, we now have proper Galakrond package, 6 cards that provide invoke, so we can hopefully play Dragon's Pack on curve. 2x Devoted Maniac maybe weak, but it’s okay since we have best invoke in the game (imo). We can also cut this cards in favour of any other strong 4 drops.

Instead of clumsy Scaleworm and Evasive Wyrm we have something in-between, but with much more value – 2x Faceless Corruptor which is arguably best 5 drop in the game now. Yes it has his own conditions, but it’s very easy to have full value, when you playing tempo deck with early drops. Probably some rogue players would pick it too.

We can also have 2x Cumulo-Maximus with 8 overload cards, which is more than enough to play this guy 80% of the time with his amazing battlecry.

The only cards I’m not sure about is 2x Squallhunter. It’s not phantom of early dragon builds, I really think it’s powerful on its own, it has amazing stats and curves into Lightning Storm, making it improved flamestrike turn 5. If we won’t be amazed by this card perfomance, we can cut it in favour of 2x Thunderhead, which lower our overload package, but keep 4 turn in shape (good stats, good effect, “have-to-remove” card for enemy’s aggro and tempo decks).

So, instead of making shaky deck around Lightning Breath (the only card which single-handedly should carry dragon package), I decided to make deck with all overpowered cards shaman got and it worked (in my head of course :D). Decent tempo, 2 strong synergies (overload and elementals), acceptable curve. It also has 3-4 mid-late game bombs (Galakrond, the Tempest, Shudderwock, Kronx Dragonhoof, Nithogg) to provide constant pressire or finisher. This is definition of tempo deck which I’m proud of.

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