It was quite a week for card reveals, we’ve finally seen the fourth Old God in Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. The card is pretty insane, and I’ve even created a simulator to get an idea of how it will work. Blood of the Ancient One introduced us to the largest minion in Hearthstone, The Ancient One. Warlock got a few cards this week, one card for Zoo (Possessed Villager), one crazy AOE (Spreading Madness), and Cho'Gall which is a card that is seeing mixed reviews from the community.
The most impressive card for this week to me is Call of the Wild. It really reminds me of Dr. Boom, where it can instantly create a board state, but it can also immediately use the guaranteed 5-Damage Huffer to take down a minion or pressure the opponent. It is 8-mana, so I’m not sure it will be good in the tempo based Midrange Hunter, but I look forward to trying it out.
- Whispers of the Old Gods Card List
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You said 6 epics, but one of those epics is uncollectible; The Ancient One. Since it it just part of “Blood of the Ancient One”, wouldn’t that be considered just 5 epics?
I figured if I wrote 5 epics then people would say there was 6! It was a no win situation lol.