Ankasari the Great – TheJiminatorHS (Has 60% Winrate over 47 games at Rank 5)
The best way to describe this deck is an abomination of Octosari, Captain Hooktusk, Anka, the Buried and more.
The deck has multiple win conditions, some of them are
Gaining tempo using Anka, the Buried and other deathrattle synergy cards like Necrium Vial on Mechanical Whelp or Sahket Sapper to gain huge board advantage,
Playing Myra's Unstable Element to find lethal or to activate Chef Nomi,
Summoning a swarm of rush pirates using Captain Hooktusk to change the pace of the game.
Also being singleton Zephrys the Great allows us to find lethal or can gets us out of a tricky situation, this deck allows various options for you to get through your opponent for a win.
Link to TheJiminatorHS twitch channel for gameplay.
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