General Mulligans
My version of the so called "Aggro Taunt Warrior" deck.
Town Crier is our only 1-drop so it's always a keep. Into the Fray on 1, followed by a 2 or 3 cost Taunt minion is a very high power level play that swings the game's tempo in those crucial first turns. Injured Tol'vir and Frightened Flunky are generally great turn 2 plays (or coined on turn 1 if needed, or if the provide a better curve). Maintaining the board early in the game is very important, so -in most cases- keeping higher cost cards is not advised.
The deck has performed pretty well for me at Legend. Unfortunately I am on holiday and on a phone, so I don't have deck tracker statistics. I would say that it's about 55%-60% winrate and it has gotten me from 6000s to 2000s in a matter of few hours. Obviously not a broken deck, but really fun to pilot and relatively cheap. Hope you enjoy it!