Cenarius Ramp Druid

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Type: ramp - Season: season-24 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Mulliganning for Innervate, Wild Growth, or Darnassus is a priority. These cards are key to ramping up to a good position and can set the pace for your victory. Living roots is a good card to have off the bat but not necessarily vital. Keeping a Piloted Shredder or Keeper of the Grove if you alread have Wild Growth is a good choice, preferrably Keeper if you're up against more aggressive decks. 

Aggro Mulligans

If you really want to be aggressive with this deck you can turn two Darnassus into a turn three Keeper and silence the Darnassus to save the Mana Crystal. This is very high risk high reward as Keeper can be extremely useful for silencing later taunts or clearing small annoying minions. 

Midrange Mulligans

For the Midrange cards you're probably going to want to look for specific cards to deal with different situations. Azure Drake is a great five drop if you have good board control and the same goes for Druid of the Claw. Ancient of Lore is top tier if you've successfully ramped your mana crystals up and is a nice five drop when combo'd with Innervate. Sludge Belcher is a good five drop if you need to stop a weaponised assault on your face or various other minions. Rarely do I pass up on a good Emperor during the mid turns if I am holding combo. Reducing the costs of your combo cards can be extremely powerful for either board clear or simply destroying your opponent faster. 

Combo Mulligans

Force of Nature and Savage Roar are the signature combo cards of the Ramp Druid. These two are the bread and butter of this deck but Cenarius can be a powerful card if you happen to have a powerful board already. If you don't happen to be holding combo, Cenarius can easily be a nice boost in a pinch as it can grant the same affects as savage roar but also gives out defensive stats. Cenarius can also create a brief defensive wall in a pinch which makes it a nice nine drop if you have the mana. 

An old twist to the famed fast midrange ramp druid. Instead of running the usual cards you can swap out shades for some darnassus aspirants for a faster ramp. Mind Control Techs could be an option although I don’t like them in this setup for the ramp druid as it slows down the ramp of the deck significantly if you are looking to play more aggressive. I also am running Sludge Belcher instead of Loatheb although each can be swapped in or out depending on how you feel about the meta. I like Sludge Belcher due to the popularity of Control Warrior right now as well as other weaponised decks. Sylvanas can be another option to run although I think its a bit slow and doesn’t fit well with the pace of this deck. Cenarius can be a really fun and nasty card to play if you don’t have combo, either boosting your board if you have control or setting up a small wall for defense. I think this deck is fun to play and can really catch some players off guard based on the sheer popularity of the meta for Ramp Druid. Nothing tilts people more than seeing a Cenarius block their burst and so on. 

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