akjeromy’s Dragon Priest

Class: Priest - Format: wild - Type: tempo - Season: season-24 - Style: ladder

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Unlike many priest deck combinations, this deck has the potential to come out fast and hit directly for several points before the enemy can regain control.

Mass Dispel gives you the chance to hit directly and draw a card, while disabling all the enemy’s enhanced minions.

If you can bring out Chromaggus and combine him with Azure Drake  and/or Mass Dispel on the next turns, you will get double the cards.

with Lightbomb  and Holy Nova , you have 4 chances to clear the board and regain control

Having 2 Entomb  really makes you feel confident you can handle any big minion brought out by your ememy

Alexstrasza is an equalizer, whether using her on yourself or the enemy

Nefarian guarantees you 2 of your opponents class spells, which can litterally win the game for you

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  1. Akjeromy - Author
    February 29, 2016 at 11:18 AM

    Although I am only rank 13 right now, I just beat a warrior who had 26 armor and 30 points. I did it by saving Alexstrasza until the very end. We were both out of cards. He exhausted all of his minions. I managed to hold on and heal myself until the very end. When we both started taking damage for lack of cards, and I brought out Alexstraza, he knew he was doomed. He gave up. This would be the first time I beat this type of warrior. I always feared them and thought they were the most powerful deck to fight. This victory makes me think that my priest deck could actually go all the way, if played correctly.