Full Guide – Climb to legend with a score of 26-6(81.25% winrate) using this Control Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: dragon - Type: control - Season: season-64

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Greetings, fellow seekers of victories. I have returned, it’s been a month since I’ve posted this GUIDE. The meta shifted from gazillion bomb hunters to… a few less of those and a bit more of other warriors. I changed the list accordingly and VOILA! I climbed to legend with a winrate of 81.25%.
Every single game was documented on my stream, you can watch the VODS on this LINK
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Meta Observation
I’m glad that warrior performs well in the meta, it makes it interesting for me. Thankfully, there aren’t many Pogo rogues but we might still be able to beat them with this list. The upgrade that I went for where I added the brewmaster/faceless package works really well against other warriors, but it has benefits against many other match-ups as well! It had to be done since rogue got nerfed.
General Game Plan and Mulligan
Warrior is an awesome class. You will have different plans against different decks. You want to remove their stuff. But be careful, you have to decide when it’s worth to use specific resources for that and when not to. ALSO! Feel free to play for tempo! And play SN1P-SN4P on turn 3, even against warriors. Use Omega Assembly before turn 10 but not against warriors. You can use omega devastator before turn 10 against everything, preserve it if you think you can get away by doing it. Keep your early game cards, mulligan away everything for Dr. Boom vs warriors.
Specific Match-ups and Mulligans
Token Druid: There aren’t many of these anymore and they are a favorable match-up for us. Wipe their board, remove every minion. Manage your resources well. Use brawl over warpath because saving warpath might grant us a better clear. Don’t be afraid to attack 1/1s with super-collider if needed. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Warpath, Weapon’s project, Acolyte.
Lucentbark Druid: Silence their Lucentbark. Silence the second one from gloop if they play it with your second owl. If they do some Jepetto shenanigans you cannot answer then oh well.. Mulligan the same as for token druid since 99% of the druids are token.
Bomb Hunter: There are still many of these. Remove their mechs as much as you can, preferably all of them. You do not want to allow them to magnetize the ones on board. OWLS dominate this match-up. Bounce your owls with the brewmaster. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Owls!!!, Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Weapon’s project, Acolyte.
Zul’Jin Hunter: My other warrior lists used to struggle against it but not this one. Try to be the one who applies pressure and go wide on the board. Faceless can shine sometimes in this match-up. Mulligan for bomb hunter since you will most likely be facing that version.
Luna’s Pocket Galaxy/Conjurer mage: It can be tough at times but you have more than enough resources and ways with this list to beat them than you might think. Super-collider is your GREATEST ally in this match-up. It can be rough if they play it the Pocket Galaxy on turn 5 or earlier but I have had a positive winrate overall. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Super-Collider!!!, Shield Slam, BGH, early card draw.
Mech Paladin: Save the owls. Owls will bring us victory most of the time. So keep them. And use faceless manipulator to copy one of his big mechs.
OTK Shivalah: Your Quest: Get to 50 hp(including armor, of course). Reward: Win the game. Do it by armoring up as much as possible and trading minions instead of face tanking. Play weapon’s project when they play truesilver. You might even discover a heckler and get their Shivalah out. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Eternium Rover, Shield Block, Town Crier, Weapon’s project, Acolyte, Dr. Boom.
Priest: Error, class not found.
Tempo/Shark Rogue: Easy match-up for us, we’ve got tons of removal and armor gain. Silence their Edwin. Prioritize removing good battlecry minions. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Weapon’s project, Acolyte.
Pogo Rogue: I haven’t met any on my road to legend. Create pressure and hit them in the face.
Murloc Shaman: Remove their board and outvalue them. They will try to win on both sides but it won’t work out for them in the end. Watch out, you might get high-rolled and cheesed early on. Shield slam their 2 mana 2/3 murloc that generates more murlocs if needed. Favorable match-up for us. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Warpath, Weapon’s project, Acolyte, Militia Commander, Owl.
Control Shaman: There aren’t any Elysiana shamans, eh? Check your win condition under the warrior section, with the brewmaster/faceless combo if you actually stumble upon one.
Zoo Warlock: Remove their minions, it’s not hard at all. if they somehow manage to summon a Sea Giant, use the Big Game Hunter to hunt him down. EZ PZ. Cards to keep in your starting hand: Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Warpath, Weapon’s project, Acolyte.
Bomb Warrior: Get to Dr Boom first. Feel free to draw cards in order to get it if you don’t have it. Almost every bomb warrior has run Elysiana so save the brewmaster faceless combo. When they play Elysiana, faceless her then brewmaster the one you got. This way you will have 2 Elysianas and win in fatigue. You have enough armor gain to deal with their bombs. Try to overdraw the bombs sometimes, but only if you have all the combo pieces and Dr. Boom. You will most likely not be the aggressor in this match-up sooo, you know, react to their plays. You don’t need to save omega devastators all the time, use them sometimes for tempo, especially if they played a Militia Commander or two. Mulligan EVERYTHING away until there’s a Dr. Boom in your hand.
Control Warrior: The game-plan and mulligan are the same as for the bomb warrior, though there are a few exceptions. If you’re on the coin, you can save it to brewmaster your Elysiana, which you probably should do instead of faceless shenanigans. If you’re not on the coin, shield slam your C’thun Elysiana after you play her because your opponent might be playing the brewmaster combo as well.    
Feel free to post any questions and opinions! -Urkoth

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  1. Gibilan
    July 6, 2019 at 4:49 AM

    The -2x Dyno i get it, i cut them too some days ago. But why no Harrison ? I get that you have acolyte, but most of the times you`ll draw just one with it( and its kinda bad to play warpath just for draw, in some cases you need it, but it`s a good removal that you want to keep most of the time). Harrison is a guaranteed 3 draw when you play weapons project(7mana). Is also good vs bomb warrior and rogue`s waggle pick. Can you clarify this to me ?

    • Gibilan
      July 6, 2019 at 5:01 AM

      And one more :D. Why everybody plays the owl ? Spellbreaker is one mana more and a much solid body. Since your deck plays 2 owls, would it be wrong to cut one and add a spellbreaker ?

  2. Fistouille
    July 5, 2019 at 11:15 PM

    Explo-matic ???