It only took me one look for me to decide this deck was going to be named “What Druid” because the first thing I said when I made this was, “What is this?”
Up and behold, a mixture of Heal Druid and Malygos Druid was made. If against control, your win condition is through Malygos’ 30+ damage combo and if against aggro, your win condition is through Taunt (cause taunt is cheat).
Is this deck consistent and reliable? Absolutely not. RNGesus is going to be needed in order for you to win games. I have been playing this deck in Rank 5-4 and have a winrate of 65% (20 games).
Try this deck out if you wanna have Hearthstone games! It’s entertaining to say the least.
Possible Combos:
Jepetto Joybuzz into Malygos and Faceless Manipulator
(This can total up to 50 damage to the face and bonus points for satisfaction)
Jepetto Joybuzz into Gloop Sprayer and Faceless Manipulator
(When reviving Lucentbark, you could possible now have 3 more Lucentbarks)
Jepetto Joybuzz into Malygos and Alexstrasza
(Next turn Alexstrasza to the face and then you have 15 hp overkill)