Aggro Mulligans
Hold back the tide with cheap removal and cheap taunts right from the getgo.
Midrange Mulligans
Out-board your opponent as efficiently as possible in the early game
Control Mulligans
Take advantage of the slow-mo control mirror and play for card advantage, and a steady presence on the board.
Brann Bronzebeard has proven to be a nice addition to Dragon decks (see Hotform’s Season 20 Dragon Druid, for instance). In handlock, it can be especially versatile. Use him to get extra buffs off of Defender of Argus or double the size of your Twilight Drake and build a wall for your more aggressive opponents. Or, use him to double down on the signature handlock card advantage game: get an extra card from Dark Peddler or Azure Drake. Antique Healbot with Brann on the board heals for a sizeable 16 health.
Fancy Brann combos aside, this is a nice, no-frills, controlling handlock. Chillmaw is essentially a third Hellfire with 6/6 and taunt assuming you can hold onto a dragon. Ysera can sometimes run away with the game on her own, or in the least, provide a strong cheap minion or removal (including dream to a degree), and at 4/12, she can hold back the tide nearly as well as a 3/15 Jaraxxus left on the board, but puts more value in your hand.