Aggro Mulligans
You want to go hard for minions as you can always go face with spells later in the game.
Tunnel Trogg gets out of hand quickly. People will spend way too many resources removing him.
Sir finley gets a better hero power. #1 Steady shot, #2 Lifetap, #3 Druid hero power
Totem golem helps buff tunnel trog and trade with almost all early game minions
Bloodmage helps to start cycling early
A slightly altered version of the face shaman deck. I have dropped the normal 2 drops (knife juggler and whirling zap-o) for additional card draw. Bloodmage fits in here great because of the threat of spell power + card draw. Trading early with spells to maintain your board is acceptable. After you lose your board it is near impossible to regain and you will be going face for the remainder of the game.
With the extra card draw this version still runs out of steam quickly but has a lot of burst potential.