Aggro Mulligans
Against zoo you don't want Demonwrath
Midrange Mulligans
Keep Demonwrath against Paladin and Vendor and Elise if you already have a curve
Combo Mulligans
same as midrange
Control Mulligans
you can also keep Elise or Vendor if you have a curve
This deck works pretty much like the Elise control priest. It has some strong early game minions likeZombie ChowDark Peddler and Imp Gang Boss , a lot of spell removal Darkbomb,Mortal Coil,Shadow Bolt,Bane of Doom, Imp-losion, it can heal for 24 with Refreshment VendorandAntique Healbot has big threat removal Big Game Hunter,Siphon Soul and a lot of board clearsDemonwrath,Hellfire.
Your win codition is basically not losing. You play like a grinder mage, killing everything they have. When they have completely ran out of resources, you start playing the legendaries that you’ve got from Elise Starseeker.