Control deck which is based on making some insane non-OTK combos which are based on Khadgar and Conjurer's Calling.
Deck is very defensive, sporting Doomsayer + Frost Nova or Blizzard as taunts we have: Belligerent Gnome and Proud Defender and Giggling Inventor. For single target removal deck containsDaring Fire-Eater which helps activate Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk, Frostbolt, Voodoo Doll and Sunreaver Warmage.
Few example of the value combos are:
Khadgar + Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
Giggling Inventor + Conjurer's Calling
Former Champ + Conjurer's Calling
I feel like this will be more of a fun deck instead of serious ladder or competitive deck but I feel it will be plenty of fun regardless 🙂