This is the best answer to the meta, currently. I just went from rank 9 to rank 3 with over a 70% winrate and still climbing (mix of phone and tracked gameplay, both over 70%). My only edit has been eliminating the spell breaker and lost in the jungle for either double dire mole or glow-tron to take advantage of the 3 pings against other token/agro decks. I’m now running glow-tron since I see enough warrior to make use of the mech tribe and avoid damage from dyn-o-matic.
This deck literally just frustrates your opponents into conceding when they waste three turns, their entire board, and two board wipes trying to kill your righteous protector.
This is the best answer to the meta, currently. I just went from rank 9 to rank 3 with over a 70% winrate and still climbing (mix of phone and tracked gameplay, both over 70%). My only edit has been eliminating the spell breaker and lost in the jungle for either double dire mole or glow-tron to take advantage of the 3 pings against other token/agro decks. I’m now running glow-tron since I see enough warrior to make use of the mech tribe and avoid damage from dyn-o-matic.
This deck literally just frustrates your opponents into conceding when they waste three turns, their entire board, and two board wipes trying to kill your righteous protector.