So The Idea is to Activate Quest while you wait for your one of your Arcane Shots and Hunter's Marks, and both of your Galvanizers, Hemet, Jungle Hunter and then finally, your Mecha'thun.
Mecha’Thun will then Costs 8. So just use Hunter’s Mark and your Arcane Shot for the OTK.
In the meanwhile you are using your Beasts from the Quest to keep the pressure flowing in your cards, along with Master's Call and Witchwood Piperto either help you find Mecha'thun Faster or to draw 3 Broods for you to contiue the sustained Pressure. Spirit of the Lynx and Untamed Beastmaster are going to help your sustain for Hunter, for the Steroid Buffs that your Broods and your Lynxs, and that 1 Baleful Banker out there is only there mainly for another Queen, Halazi or Shaw.
I love the idea but how about goblin prank for the two cost way to kill Mecha’Thun in a turn? That way you can take out one arcane shot for a candle shot, or some other edit, just so the combo takes fewer pieces.
Funny enough, I forgot that Goblin Prank even Existed. Thanks.