General Mulligans
Keep Voodoo Doctor with Happy Ghoul, and possibly Fungal enchanter if your don't have a healing card for turn 1 or 2.
You should be able to cast Happy Ghoul for free turn 1-4 (unless you draw poorly)
Like Warlock Zoo, you want to damage yourself turn one then use healing tactics to your advantage and pull out minions early
What didn’t make the cut:
– Crystalsmith Kangor – Was too slow and wasn’t that needed in this sort of deck
– Lesser pearl spellstone – Although it goes well with the healing tatic, it was to slow for an aggro deck
– Sunkeeper Tarim – This card makes your creatures 3/3’s, which is good with the paladin hero power, but most creatures in this deck are already better than 3/3, and a better 6 cost card was Mojomaster Zihi, which slows down your opponent and doesn’t effect your turn at all.
How this deck works:
In the best scenario, you have Bloodclaw or Crystallizer, The Coin, Voodoo Doctor and 2x Happy Ghoul, just like Heal Zoo currently works.
This deck manages to keep its hand size even when spamming creatures. By using Soup Vendor with Flash of Light, Lifedrinker and Chillblade Champion you refresh your hand whenever you play these cards! As well as Flash of Light giving an extra draw, you have Divine Favor in case you don’t have any heal in your hand to activate Soup Vendor
Cause of the lack of 2 drops needed in this deck, Prince Keleseth can be used, but just having one 2-drop means you will most likely be using hero power turn 2, and paladins hero power doesn’t help with damaging or healing yourself. However if you have the dust or already have Keleseth, feel free to put him in, and also add Saronite Chain Gang in the deck, as they go well with Keleseth.
Zandalari Templar is the Hooked Reaver of Paladin, being a 4 drop 8/8 taunt in the best scenario, as long as you have healed your hero and your minions for 10 health. With Fungal Enchanter, this is incredibly easy to achieve, as you can effectivity trade your healthy minions into smaller creatures, then heal them all up with Fungal Enchanter. As Zandalari Templar doesn’t just activate from hero health being restored, but your minions (and even if you decide to Flash of Light your opponent or their minions for unknown reasons) it will bring Zandalari Templar closer to becoming a taunt version of Mountain Giant, or any giant for that matter.
Leeroy Jenkins – The end game card. Only play this if you have lethal. It can remove a big taunt so you can swing face with your other minions, but make sure your getting Lethal. That’s pretty much it.
Mojomaster Zihi – The new legendary from the Rastakhan’s Rumble set, this sets both players mana crystals to 5. While this might not seem that good a card in an aggro deck, it actually is what aggro is looking for. it stops big taunt minions from coming out, and it also stops OTK combos, like Mechathun and Malygos Druid. This is major control, and will give you another turn to set up a board if your opponent keeps playing on curve and effectively trades minions.
High Priest Thekal – 29 amour and 1 health, which you can heal back in a few turns. Even though it looks promising, it probably wont make the final cut, and the only reason it was added as its like a worst version of Ornery Tortoise in stats, and can bring Happy Ghoul out early. It’s not needed however. Replace it for Emerald Reaver or something else that can allow Happy Ghoul and The Glass Knight to activate.
The Glass Knight – Divine Shield. The Glass Knight can kill a 4 health or lower minion then regain divine shield so its lasts another turn. And if your opponent does want to trade 2 minions for it, That’s a major tempo swing for you and your 1 – 3 drop minions. If you don’t have The Glass Knight, try adding a void ripper, and Void Ripper makes nearly all minions in this deck deal more or the same damage, except for Leeroy Jenkins and Voodoo Doctor.