Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
Here’s an early rendition of Trump’s TGT Midrange Shaman. Trump uses three of the new cards: Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic, and Thunder Bluff Valiant.
Replace for Dr.Boom = Muklas Champion / Bloodlust
Since this deck always floods the board I’ve had more success dropping dr boom and adding the mistcaller or even bloodlust on a full board can be lethal
Dr Boom is more of a luxury component to this deck than a necessity. i rarely need him – or have room… as this deck is great at flooding the board.
BGH is okay, but you probably want another big minion.
Diogo, I have a similar problem, I replaced it with BGH.
why not zombie?, zombie its for control deck,on control deck doesnot matter how much life did you heal to your opponent, the focus its control board.
Replacement for Dr. Boom? He appears at every single deck but i just cant have it… some replacement in mind? thanks in advance
What could you replace zombie chow with?
I replaced with Leper Gnome, and it seems like a good replacement