Tavern Brawl Week 10 – The Grand Tournament Match

Tavern Brawl Week Ten is the Grand Tournament Match!

Official Description

On the road to The Grand Tournament, two knights face off! One relies on jousting skill, while the other inspires troops to great deeds. Who will win?

Make sure to check out the full list of cards from the Grand Tournament to prepare for what you’re up against!


It has been confirmed that the reward is a Classic Pack and not from the Grand Tournament. [Source]


You are randomly given one of two heroes: Medivh (Mage) or Alleria (Hunter). Each class has its own deck and style. Medivh, will be focused on minions that have the new Inspire mechanic. Alleria’s deck will feature cards that utilize the new Joust mechanic (more control based).

Tavern Brawl Week 10 Deck Lists




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