The 35 Legendary Old Standard (Un’Goro)
- 1Awaken the Makers1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Lyra the Sunshard1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 6Herald Volazj1
- 7Prophet Velen1
- 1Shifter Zerus1
- 2Bloodmage Thalnos1
- 2Nat Pagle1
- 3Auctionmaster Beardo1
- 3Sergeant Sally1
- 4Genzo, the Shark1
- 4Spiritsinger Umbra1
- 4The Black Knight1
- 5Barnes1
- 5Elise the Trailblazer1
- 5Harrison Jones1
- 5Prince Malchezaar1
- 6Cairne Bloodhoof1
- 6Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale1
- 7Baron Geddon1
- 7The Curator1
- 8Medivh, the Guardian1
- 9Alexstrasza1
- 9Icehowl1
- 9Soggoth the Slitherer1
- 9Ysera1
- 10Deathwing1
- 10Deathwing, Dragonlord1
- 10N’Zoth, The Corruptor1