General Mulligans
You want to find card draw for that early giant, drygulch, giant, and coin is your perfect hand. Hydrologist is a great card for board presence and added value, although secrets are usually kept to maintain hand size.
“There are no wrong threats, only wrong answers.”
This decks follows that idea to the core. The deck might seem unplayable for all the 7+ drops it has, but the cool thing is that Even Paladin actually has a pretty easy time discounting everything in this deck. Hydrologists, Crystology, and Drygulch Jailors all fill up your hand for the Mounatin Giant discount (it is actually possible to get mountain giant as early as turn 3 with this deck). All the dudes from Hero Power and Jailors help you discount the Crystal Lions and the Sea Giants, and Tirion and Lich King are there for your actual late game drops. The deck can fight for early board control and begin dropping 8/8s as early as turn 4. Your opponent will always have to answer big threats every turn and not many decks can do that.
You could try adding Prismatic Lens for more draw and possible discounts, and I have began thinking if glowstone technician could fpund its home in this deck. I still need to craft one so i can try it out.
The deck is pretty fun and actually pretty competitive, give it a try and tell me what you think.
– 1 Rebuke
-1 Mossy Horror
-1 Blessings of Kings
+1 Glowstone Technician
+2 Saronite Chain Gang
Is this deck good for climbing?
It can be. As players won’t mulligan for big removals as they expect odd paly. An early giant can almost secure a win by itself.
Also very strong mid game.
I have around 50% winrate. So you can get to rank 5 with it I think.
I’ve been climbing with it with a 60% winrate.
Silver sword looks appealing in this deck, seeing that it doesn’t run any weapons (except Tirion kind of), and you will eventually have several dudes on the board. What could it replace?
I would replace a consecration or a crystal lion. However, I think silver sword is kind of redundant while having glowstone technician at the same time. I just think glowstone is strictly better in how the deck works. That being said, give Silver Sword a try and tell me how if it works.
So I tested the silver sword, and it’s really good. However, that is when the opponent doesn’t run anti weapon tech, witch most of them does.
Anyway, I added 1 skulking geist (mainly to somehiw counter druids and warriors).
I replaced Tirion and a wild pyromancer. But I think I will put Tirion back in, since I during the longer games found myself without cards in my hand.
Had roughly 50% winrate so far on rank 5.
How about lay on hands for late heal vs aggro, also a nice draw?
Give it a try and tell me how it goes, I’m still developing the deck, but I havent tried lay on hands because i currently dont have it on my collection. If i should replace anything i would change rebuke. But again, go ahead and tell me how it goes 😉
I’ve had a lot of success using Glowstone Tech! Playing a board of buffed recruits from Drygulch plus a 7/7 Crystal Lion or Lightfused Stegodon can generate tempo swings as powerful a Level Up, not to mention making your Giants even bigger threats than they already are. 10/10 would recommend including it
Yeah, i just managed to get one and included one copy on the deck, it’s been the mvp in more than one game. A 7/7 divine shield with a discount is a super powerful swing, and glowstone+saronite is just an amazing swing.
Really great deck! It’s actually funny that my deck that I build myself is similiar to this one (with the sea and mountain giants) and I have a pretty good winrate with it (although I’m low rank)
My deck runs Val’anyr and 2 saronite chaingangs, Spikeridged steed (against aggro) and also a skulking geist. There aren’t a lot of silence effects in the current meta (I think) and the geist can remove cards like shield slam, play dead, hunter’s mark. I’m not an expert in this kind of things But I would like to hear some thoughts, Ty 🙂
I have thought of including saronite on the deck for more taunt (which makes spikeridged make more sense). Geist seems like a good inclusion against the current meta (abundance of odd warriors and deathrattle/spell/secret hunters). I haven’t tried geist or valanyr simply because i dont have them in my collection, but by all means try them out and tell me how about it.
What rank are you? Just curious ? I’m only rank 15 btw (i’m more of a casual player), But I’m winning a lot of casual games with my variant of this deck
Rebuke is there to help keep your big threats on board, but it is totally replaceable. Maybe tech cards like silence or another mossy or maybe a glowstone technician for the dudes at hand. Or maybe even more early game minions.