Boomsday Evolve Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-53 - Style: ladder

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An underexplored archetype that is actually quite strong on the ladder – it isn’t just for memes! (There will be memes, though.)

You have the tools to starve aggro through constant annoying taunts and removal, and you have the means to punch through slow decks by evolving out of range of their AoE, then closing with Bloodlust. Combo decks in particular have a really hard time dealing with big evolved boards.

Mulligan is pretty straightforward- keep your early drops and a Corridor Creeper to start discounting it. You almost always want to keep Thrall, Deathseer in your opening hand- he makes for an enormous swing turn. Mulligan away Bloodlust and Kalimos. Harrison should probably only be kept against Warrior.

Be particularly judicious about how you play Saronite Chain Gang– they’re a great defensive four drop, yes, but you’re often better off waiting for a chance to drop and evolve them in one turn. And, of course, dropping Corridor Creeper to 0 cost and evolving him is an incredible play. 

I tried running Flametongue Totem, but Odd Rogue in particular bullies all your early drops so you can’t get value from it, and it usually feels like a dead card vs control. That’s where the Menacing Nimbus (Menacing Nimbi?) came from. I also wasn’t always able to find use for two copies of Hex, so opted for weapon removal instead. You can treat Harrison as a general tech slot, but weapon removal and draw power is really good, especially for this deck.

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