Reincarnate Shaman has been kind of a dream deck list for a while and has shown up in various forms with mixed results. Orange mentioned that Shaman is currently a bit underrated, and has been winning a lot of games with this particular list. Reincarnate is a card that destroys your minion and then returns it with full health, which triggers its Deathrattle (if it has one) while leaving a fresh new copy on the board. A lot of cards work well with this type of interaction, such as: Sludge Belcher, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Sneed's Old Shredder.
As for the list, Dark Iron Dwarf was a bit of an oddity, and when I asked Orange about it he said: “Really good with Eggs and Creepers and we need another four drops.” Which makes sense with a deck geared towards sticky minions and getting value you from low mana cost cards. You actually have a fair amount of cards that lend well to this strategy: Flametongue Totem, Defender of Argus, and Rockbiter Weapon can be used to trade up while retaining minions. Your strongest turns will involve getting a Reincarnate on Sylvanas for maximum minion stealing, and then potentially following it up with a big Kel'Thuzad turn. Sneed's Old Shredder is also a great card for Reincarnate, but be wary of Majordomo Executus!
any new version of this deck? i think it have to work excellent in new tgt meta!
Remember you can also reincarnate Kel and get 2 copies of him -.-
I’ve tried this sort of deck quite a bit and while it is fun and sometimes you get the dream plays, a lot of the time aggro decks destroy you and you cannot really pressure control decks.
It’s a fun list but I wouldn’t try to climb with it, you could also consider adding Rivendare and/or Piloted Shredders, I would omit the dwarf.
A turn 4 or 5 Rivendare, pop an egg and get 2 x 4/4s is awesome.
Piloted Sky Golem or Cairne should be fine.
Potential subs for Sneeds?
Reincarnate Shaman ? With one reincarnate…. Well Done.