General Mulligans
(From highest priority to lowest) Biology Project is basically an innervate and Wild Growth combined.
Wild Growth is self-explanatory.
Oaken Summons provide impressive value and stalls aggro decks.
Branching Paths provide a Greater Healing Potion against aggro and valuable card draw against slower opponents.
Aggro Mulligans
Lesser Jasper Spellstone and Wrath helps you survive the maelstrom.
Giggling Inventor is so OP.
Control Mulligans
Nourish and Ultimate Infestation can outpace their hard removal such as Twisting Nether.
If you want to play big priest, you’ll need a LOT of dust. But if you play this budget deck, it costs less than 3000 dust! Although master brokeheart cannot be played, this deck still has the ramp, draw and stall that frustrate people playing against druids.