Quest: Draw all your secrets (With Arcanologist, Subject 9, Aluneth, Stargazer Luna).
Reward: Play Grand Archivist into Luna's Pocket Galaxy.
Win condition: Draw the rest of your 1 mana deck with Stargazer Luna or Aluneth.
The OTKs:
1. Alexstrasza + 7 life minion + Star Aligner + Star Aligner + ping.
2. Some sort of Archmage Antonidas + Sorcerer's Apprentice + Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Oh, but the Sorcerer's Apprentice, if necessary, can be used for tempo early on or after, especially with Subject 9.
Oh, Star Aligner or even Archmage Antonidas can be used for clearing threats or making two turns “OTK” too.
Don’t forget to keep one of your secrets or Mana Bind generated spell for Archmage Antonidas, and in the left side, cause of Stargazer Luna.
I think it will be a very versatile OTK deck, of course you could do it with Leyline Manipulator too.