“Healadin” is basically an archetype I’ve always been really enjoying despite its inferiority compared to the other decks of the meta. But the new expansion seems to give Paladin some brand new tools to step up.
For this deck, I chose to build a classic Quest Paladin around the healing mechanic because the new legendary Crystalsmith Kangor looks to be a great card for healing value and an interesting card to target with a boost in order to make it survive longer and get even more value from healing / lifesteal.
The Last Kaleidosaur had much more success in the previous expansion thanks to Sound the Bells! which allows you to finish your quest way faster than before. Most of the win conditions of the deck are gained from the quest and the cards around it : Galvadon (reward of the quest) and Lynessa Sunsorrow. Zola the Gorgon and Faceless Manipulator give you extra value on these two minions.
For the quest, you will generally try to use one of two spells like Potion of Heroism or Spikeridged Steed and finish it with Sound the Bells! around turn 8.
Healing has always been very secondary but The Glass Knight added the necessity to run some more healing in most of the decks. Because of its Divine Shield, this minion is an excellent target for boosts that complete the quest. Same for Crystalsmith Kangor even though this one may be used later in the game for its capacity to double healing. Paragon of Light also requires to be boosted to gain its effects. These three minions are the link between the two sides of the deck.
The other cards fitting in this aspect of gameplay are : Benevolent Djinn, an annoying card for aggro decks that forces the opponent to kill it otherwise it will become a real pain, especially when Blackguard is on board. Blackguard is a bridge between healing and damage because it can help you cleaning minions while healing yourself. On the same turn you can play Lay on Hands and clean a Giant thanks to Blackguard. Truesilver Champion also works great with it. Lesser Pearl Spellstone is also easily upgraded which reinforces your board.
Crystology : Allows you to draw Kangor and Lynessa, both being important in the game.
Sunkeeper Tarim : Because Tarim is too good whatever the deck.
Uther of the Ebon Blade : Uther gives you much more sustain in late game compared to cards like Tirion Fordring and also adds a lot of pressure on your opponent because of the 15 potential damages to the face (+ Lifesteal) thanks to your weapon and your new hero power.
Equality and Consecration : only board clear of Paladin.
Is Blackguard worth playing in two copies ? I feel like it could be too much.
Does the deck lack of draw ? Maybe two copies of Potion of Heroism wouldn’t be bad.
Since healing takes a lot of slots in the deck, boosts could become useless if you can’t find the few minions of the deck to use them. Should I add more minions ?
The deck looks cool but it’s always uncertain if it will work or not before the release of the expansion. It still needs some work and potential modifications but I like how it is for now. Don’t hesitate to give recommendations and opinions in the comment section and thanks for reading !