Alright, this deck got 6+ likes so here’s the deck guide. This is even hunter a deck that focuses on a mid-range gameplan in which you beat down your opponents while you slowly whittle them down with your hero power. This decklist runs several mid-range hunter staples such as Deathstalker Rexxar and Houndmaster Shaw along with cards such as Steamwheedle Sniper and Frost Giant to utilize the low cost hero power. When we get to the late game we have cards such as N'Zoth, The Corruptor and The Lich King to close out the game. I’ve had a decent win rate with this card at rank 5 in wild (around 57%) so hopefully, you can find success with deck as well.
card Choices
- Crackling Razormaw: This is one of the best 2-drops ever printed in my opinion so it saw an auto-include when designing this deck. Though we don’t have a 1-drop for this to synergize with it is still works as a very nice 2 drop and can synergize with another beast later in the game.
- Doomsayer: Kind of a weird include but this isn’t your typical Hunter deck. Hunter doesn’t have much board clear so this gives us that. This card also limits what our opponents can play, stalling the game for an extra turn
- Haunted Creeper: This a really good, early game, beast that is good for early aggro and easy trades. However, it is mainly here for the early board presence and the N'Zoth, The Corruptor synergies.
- King's Elekk: Just another really high statted 2-drop. It also has the potential to draw us a card as we 7 minions that are 6 mana +. This card also can provide intel on you opponents deck giving you the edge for the future of the game.
- Plated Beetle: A very good 2-drop that is conveniently also a beast. It is also the closest thing to “healing” hunter has so in a mid-range deck this card feels pretty essential.
- Steamwheedle Sniper: This card is one of the reasons I even built this deck. It is a really well-statted minion that turns your hero power into an upgraded mage hero power that costs 1! This is insane for dealing with minions in the early game while keeping yourself alive.
- Vicious Scalehide: Trades really nicely into silver hand recruits as well as provides a little bit of healing. Also works really nicely with the Houndmaster.
- Eater of Secrets: In wild format, there is a card named Ice Block. This card is frustrating to play against and we need some way to get rid of it. This card takes care of it the best I believe but it also deals with Mysterious Challenger really nicely as it can become a 7/9.
- Flanking Strike we don’t have Kill Command in this deck so this card is what I use to replace it. It is also a great mid-range card that can get you a lot of board advantage.
- Houndmaster Shaw: This card can finally be put to good use. It is an amazing mid-range card that allows us to deal with our opponent’s minions with our own. This card might as well have taunt because it will almost always be targeted once it comes down.
- Piloted Shredder: Very good tempo card that provides excellent board presence. Mainly in this deck to synergize with N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
- Saronite Chain Gang: Another great tempo that provides great board presence as well as granting you extra survivability.
- Deathstalker Rexxar: Infamous for its mid-range capability this card works really nicely in this deck. Though it does replace out hero power, It gives us a. way to make alternate win conditions and extra armor. The AoE is also very nice when dealing with aggro.
- Genn Greymane: This is even Hunter. Therefore we have him in our deck. It would be really cool if he was a beast though…
- Mossy Horror: Just another tech card to deal with aggro. It also doesn’t kill a lot of our minions so there’s no real downside to us playing it.
- Savannah Highmane: Another really solid mid-range card that synergizes with N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
- The Lich King: Every deck runs this card now. It’s simply amazing and does everything we want it to do. No questions asked.
- Frost Giant: This is honestly one of my favorite cards in Hearthstone so I’m glad I really got to put it in a deck. Because we’re constantly “pinging” down our opponents This card can generally come down round turns 6-7. I only run 1 as it is too clunky to run 2. I would also advise to mulligan this card if it is in your opening hand as it is pretty slow.
- N'Zoth, The Corruptor: The big finisher of this deck. We run a total of 8 death rattle cards in this deck so we’ll almost always get value out of him. I would advise holding onto him until the very end of the game as your opponent will not have this necessary card to deal with him.
So now you have the guide to Wild Even Hunter. If you have any questions on how the deck works tell me down below and I will probably include my answer in a FaQ in the guide. If you have any questions on certain matchups Ask down below and I will add a “matchups” section in the guide. Thx!