Without a doubt, Patch 17.0 (released yesterday) was pretty buggy. Players were reporting more and more bugs, but some good news are coming. Blizzard is preparing a hotfix right now. The first one will be released soon. Hotfix will drop server-side, so you won’t have to download anything.
A second update will be released on Monday (March 30), while a few more issues will resolve themselves once Ashes of Outland drops on April 7
Read about all of the currently known issues and when they will get fixed below:
We are currently in the process of putting out a few hotfixes for issues introduced after the 17.0 update. Please note that these fixes take place on the server side, so you should not need to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.0.
- We’ve identified and fixed an issue that could cause the game to fail to offer some eligible players the Returning Player Experience. Affected players should now receive the appropriate quest line when logging into Hearthstone.
- Whizbang the Wonderful will no longer offer decks with cards that have moved to the Hall of Fame.
- Kingsbane will now correctly be destroyed and shuffled into your deck when it reaches 0 durability.
- Living Root, when disenchanted, now properly gives the amount of dust of a common instead of an epic. However, its gem rarity will not be updated until Monday (3/30).
- Invoke cards will now no longer appear from cards that generate other cards.
- Clever Disguise will now correctly function as intended when played.
This coming Monday (3/30), we’re planning to deploy a data-only patch that addresses a couple more issues:
- Darkness Awaits will no longer be incorrectly marked as collectible in the Collection.
- Basic cards will no longer be incorrectly earned from Arena rewards.
- Living Root’s gem rarity will be corrected from Epic to Common.
There are several known issues that will self-resolve on 4/7 when the Demon Hunter and Ashes of Outland unlock:
- Felfin Navigator will correctly appear in the Battlegrounds minion pool.
- The Battlegrounds Perks button will correctly function as intended when clicked.
- The new Priest cards will correctly appear in the Arena card pool.
- Demon Hunter Initiate cards will no longer be granted by completing Galakrond’s Awakening Chapters.
- Hallucination and Blink Fox will work correctly when played against Demon Hunter in Practice Mode.
- Curious Glimmerroot will no longer cause client crashes when played against Demon Hunter in Practice Mode.
- The Search Bar in the Collection will correctly function as intended, and will no longer jump to the top of the screen.
Additionally, there are a few Boomsday Project Puzzles that can no longer be completed now because of card changes introduced in 17.0. We’re planning to deploy a fix for Boomsday Project Puzzles on April 9.
We are investigating several other reports and will keep you posted as we know more. We’d like to thank everyone for their patience while we get some of these bugs squashed!
Did they change the 60g quests you get daily? I am now getting 50g quests upon log in and 50g quests again when I refresh.
Doomerang. Did it returned Kingsbane in hand with full durability or as it was in hand (as it does now)?
“Invoke cards will now no longer appear from cards that generate other cards.”
Was this the case previously? I’ve tried to grab Invoke spells from spell lackeys many times, hoping to get the fourth invoke before I played Galakrond, it would have been nice to know that wasn’t possible.
If you can’t find it, it’s probably already hot-fixed on their server-side.
No change to KoFT Adventures?
Will it stay at 9 heroes? Will we see no interaction between Arthas and Illidan? Oh well. (Arthas wins anyway)
I don’t think that they plan to change any older adventure.
And there is an interaction between Illidan and Arthas (as in alternative Paladin Hero)
Looks like Illidan Card also got changed into Xavius card and he creates satyrs instead of elementals now. I guess they didnt want it to be weird to play an Illidan card with Illidan hero which may actually happen because the card will probably synergize well with Demon Hunter Playstyle. Playing lots of cards and sumoning lots on small minions.
Yep, that’s correct, we’ve reported it when the patch was released!
But I don’t think that Illidan/Xavius will see any play in Demon Hunter anyway :p
Agreed. The card is waaaay too weak.