A quick, server-side update just went through (it means that you don’t need to download a patch). Here’s what it changes:
- Primalfin Lookout moved from Tier 4 to Tier 5 in Battlegrounds. Which basically means that its buff was reverted, because it was at 5* at the beginning.
- Dragonmaw Poacher and Lightforged Zealot are no longer draftable (Poacher was too strong, while Zealot was too weak).
- A couple of bug fixes. Read about them below!
Hey Folks,
We’re currently in the process of rolling out a small 16.0.3 server-side update (meaning you won’t need to download anything) to address a few issues. Here are the changes:
- Fixed an issue that could cause Sidequests to prevent Questing Explorer from drawing a card.
- Fixed an issue where Storm Egg had Rush.
- Fixed an issue with the Happy Hallow’s End quest that could prevent players from completing it.
- [Tombs of Terror] Fixed an issue that could cause the Battle Scars anomaly to prevent the player from progressing after ending a plague lord encounter with a tie.
- [Tombs of Terror] Fixed an issue with Murky’s Battle Horn that could cause both heroes to be destroyed.
- [Arena] Dragonmaw Poacher is no longer draftable.
- [Arena] Lightforged Zealot is no longer draftable.
- [Hearthstone Battlegrounds] Primalfin Lookout has been moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5.
I don’t think I’m the only one who would like better communication and professionalism from Blizzard. They stealth nerf murlocs in Battlegrounds, no patch announcement on Twitter, no patch notice on login. They put in MMR changes “accidentally” without announcement earlier in the month. With a belated apology after people have trashed their rating. They put in the previous patch notes that they will be changing match up limit in battlegrounds at facing the same opponent from every other time to every third time, yet they don’t actually put that in. Please make more of an effort to not jerk us around, i realize this is beta, but you are acting like some small indie company.
Love how they think lookout was the problem, the problem was amalgam and cold light seer, lookout was really strong but the other cards were much more impactful
What about the S Pen for SAMSUNG NOTE SERIES,still not working properly.Blizz must consider that there is a lot of players using some of the phones from the Note line.
no worries, I play with my fingers and still lose to galakrond shaman.
Why is blizzard making game changing nerfs without letting the players know? Is there a place that they release patch notes that I am not aware of? It’s not on battle.net patch notes
This is ridiculous!
they announce the changes mostly in twitter and reddit. we should see them in battle.net, agree.
wha? Primalfin Lookout Tier 5? It’ way nerfed. Not to mention discovering is not always net a good murloc from high tiers. oh cmon blizzard. now Murlocs don’t have good one at 4th tier.
Murlocs were the strongest tribe after the latest wave of buffs + release of Bagurgle, they really had to nerf something to put them back in line.
is it really? I did try murlocs for the past week and they’re so-so.
6 out of 10 wins. (I meant win as placed in top 4)
From my own experience + after watching lots of high MMR players it’s pretty clear that Murlocs are a bit too strong. I’m not THAT high (around 7k rating) but people there try to force Murlocs all the time, to the point that most of the best cards disappear from the pool very quickly
So funnily enough, Murlocs are so good that it might often be better to go for a different strat just because the best Murloc cards are contested because of shared card pools.
Moving Coldlight Seer to T2 really made their early game so much better (getting a few Murlocs + buffing them all with +2 Health is crazy good), while Primalfin and Bagurgle let them stack more stats in the mid/late game. Getting an early Brann was basically a GG because of that. All you needed to do is survive, then get Megasaur for Divine Shield + Poisonous and basically no one could beat that. Before the buffs/Bagurgle, it was also an amazing late game strategy, but most of the Murloc players died before they could get that far :p
Brann and megasaur combo is good, but the pain on getting them is too high.
I must’ve spent 30 gold on re-roll them on 5th tier. only to get beat on the next battle because I don’t pick any new minions.
whelp. maybe luck is not my best attributes.
They should’ve needed cold light seer and megasaur instead
off topic, rumor says new solo adventure galakrond awakening is coming 21 Jan 2020.
featuring new cards, and wings just like the One Night in Karazhan. (700gold per wing)
so that means this dragon meta is just gonna be here like a month and reshaped into a new one when those 35 new cards arrived.
Yeah, the new solo content is coming in January, but we don’t know the exact date or anything about pricing yet. Where did you hear that by the way?
I actually think that it’s cool that we’ll get more cards in the middle of expansion, but only a little over a month after expansion might be too early. I think that 2 months would be perfect. We’ll see how it works, it’s cool that they’re willing to experiment.
I know it’s not official, but to post some title like that, and including a snap from an open solo adventures, it’s kinda hard to not believe it.
overall, slicky blizzard to add cards is just like they’re testing how DoD will unfold in these months, and they know what to do with those new cards.
That’s interesting, I guess that it should be correct
I wonder about he price and how / when new cards will be revealed!
Hey, I am the person who published that article!
We are pretty sure about this, I did this in the past too with similar stuff and it always got proven correct, but obvious there is a chance that the date change for some reason.
one thing though, why is it everytime I post a link in reply, a message appeared.
“Your comment is awaiting moderation”
It’s not like I post something offensive. hmm
Comments with link always need to be moderated. You know that you haven’t linked anything bad, but WordPress doesn’t. It might be some shady side, of a file with virus. Spam bots are usually throwing links that you shouldn’t open. So I need to check the links before approving comments