Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Whizbang’s Workshop (Week 13) – June 2024

The last few weeks were really, really slow. It’s been ~25 days since the last balance update, which wasn’t even big in the first place. The last proper meta shift was over a month ago with the mini-set. I’m not exactly sure why Blizzard landed on this schedule, but that kind of release cadence really doesn’t feel right. I hoped for a second balance update between patch 29.4 (mini-set) and patch 29.6 (expansion announcement), but it doesn’t look like we’re getting one. Twist is fun (it’s the mode I’ve been mostly playing this season), but it also needs a proper balance patch and not just Health changes. Those definitely did help, but it still feels like half of the Heroes are missing from the meta at higher ranks (and that’s obviously not great). The meta in general is really stale and we haven’t even heard much news lately (other than the Battlegrounds preview for Patch 29.6, but it had no info about Constructed).

Luckily we should have something to pull us out of this stagnation very soon, at least news-wise. The Battlegrounds blog post I mentioned is a clear tell that Patch 29.6, and thus the expansion announcement, is most likely coming next week. Of course, unless the patch itself contains some Constructed balance changes (and major patches rarely do), it won’t mean much for the meta itself. The only chance is that the new free expansion Legendary is interesting and strong enough to make people experiment. And while sometimes that’s the case (Prince Renathal being one of the best examples), other times not so much (such as the recent Colifero the Artist, which was a flop).

As for the current meta, again, there’s not really much to talk about. All we’ve seen is the continuation of the previous trends. Handbuff Paladin and Reno Warrior are still the two most popular decks, at least until high Legend where Excavate Rogue takes the cake. Fatigue Warlock is a bit similar to Excavate Rogue – almost unseen at low ranks and one of the most popular decks in high Diamond and (especially) Legend. Reno Priest is still the third most popular deck overall while being low Tier 2/high Tier 3 stats-wise (Priest players have waited quite some time for some Control build to be playable). Hunter is still very strong, but underplayed. Plague DK and Spell Mage are still very popular at lower ranks, but they have dropped to just 3-5% play rate at higher ranks. We’ve seen a new Dragon Druid build getting some traction, but we’re still talking about a 2% play rate, so it’s nothing major yet. And that’s about it, as I’ve said last week and the week before that, things aren’t likely going to change until we get some balance changes.

Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week

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