Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Perils in Paradise (Week 8) – September 2024

The Traveling Travel Agency mini-set is now out. When talking about it last week, I couldn’t have been more right and wrong at the same time. I said that the mini-set doesn’t look very impactful overall, but Big Spell Mage is a promising archetype. So yes, it turned out that Big Spell Mage is now a big deal. But I underestimated how big it might be. Because of that, it might be the MOST impactful mini-set in history, although probably not in the way people would like. Instead of having multiple viable cards that see play across different decks, its success hinges on a single Legendary minion – Portalmancer Skyla.

Skyla is what turned Big Spell Mage from a Tier 3 deck into a meta monstrosity. Not only is her effect very powerful in that archetype (I mean, who wouldn’t want to make their 9-10 mana spell cost 0 mana), but she also lets Mage tour into Rogue. And as it turns out, some of the Rogue cards are incredibly powerful in this archetype. The biggest one is definitely Conniving Conman. If Mage would just drop one Tsunami on Turn 4-5, yes, it would be strong, but many decks could deal with it. But Conmans can simply recast it for free, so you might have to deal with a few waves of big spells in a row. Metal Detector and Sea Shill, while not as impactful as Conman, still have their place in the archetype. Sea Shill is a simple mana cheat, letting you play your big cards earlier. And Metal Detector has two roles – providing 0 mana spells for Skyla to swap costs with, and, well, Coins just being Coins, you can just use them to get your expensive stuff earlier. Those two together are a good way to cast your Big Spells more “fairly” in case you don’t draw your King Tide/Skyla or you’ve already used them.

If you have played Standard in the last few days, you probably know that, but the deck has simply taken over the ladder. The numbers are slowly going down (maybe people are getting bored of it, I don’t know), but at one point the deck was at 40% popularity in high Diamond and ~30% at many other ranks. No matter what deck we’re talking about, facing something up to 40% of the time is just not very fun, it gets boring and monotonous very quickly. But since it’s a classic example of “mana cheat”/”scam” deck, it feels even worse. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been Tsunami’d or Volley’d on Turn 4-5 over the last few days.

The mini-set has maybe a few other promising cards (like the other Tourist Turbulus, Carnivorous Cubicle which has been bugged for the first few days, or Robocaller), but it’s hard to let them shine as long as Big Spell Mage is in the spotlight. And just let me get one thing straight – Mage is NOT unbeatable. If we look at the stats, it’s very strong deck, but not even the strongest in the current meta. It has a bunch of unfavorable matchups – if you’re interested, Old Guardian covers them here. But it’s the mix of play style and popularity that drives people away from the game right now.

Even if the numbers go down slightly, I still hope for a quick reaction from Blizzard and some sort of an emergency patch next week. Because I’ll be completely honest, it was fun playing the deck for a few matches, but it got old very quickly (both playing and facing it). Right now I don’t even feel like logging in to finish my dailies. Until people get bored of the deck and stop playing it to this extent or an update happens, I’ll just play the bare minimum, because it’s not the style of Hearthstone I enjoy.

Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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