Top Rated and Best Whispers of the Old Gods Cards

We’ve been collecting your ratings of the Whispers of the Old Gods cards, so we’ve created this list to show how each card stacks up against the other. It’s been fun to see which cards the community thinks are the best. All the cards have been revealed, and the set will launch on April 26th, 2016. Check out which cards have been rated below!

Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 4 - Health: 1
Rating: 1.6/5. From 635 votes.
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2.Tentacles for Arms
Class: Warrior - Type: Weapon - Cost: 5 - Attack: 2
Deathrattle: Return this to your hand.
Rating: 1.6/5. From 2104 votes.
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3.Am'gam Rager
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 1 - Health: 5
Rating: 1.7/5. From 1058 votes.
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4.The Boogeymonster
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 8 - Attack: 6 - Health: 7
When this attacks and kills a minion, gain +2/+2.
Rating: 1.7/5. From 2268 votes.
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5.Evolved Kobold
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2
Spell Damage +2
Rating: 1.8/5. From 527 votes.
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6.Faceless Behemoth
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 10 - Attack: 10 - Health: 10
Rating: 1.8/5. From 556 votes.
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7.Wisps of the Old Gods
Class: Druid - Type: Spell - Cost: 7
Choose One - Summon seven 1/1 Wisps; or Give your minions +2/+2.
Rating: 1.9/5. From 1376 votes.
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8.Silithid Swarmer
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 3 - Health: 5
Can only attack if your hero attacked this turn.
Rating: 2.0/5. From 391 votes.
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9.Nat, the Darkfisher
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 2 - Health: 4
At the start of your opponent's turn, they have a 50% chance to draw an extra card.
Rating: 2.0/5. From 859 votes.
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10.Grotesque Dragonhawk
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 7 - Attack: 5 - Health: 5
Rating: 2.1/5. From 459 votes.
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11.Power Word: Tentacles
Class: Priest - Type: Spell - Cost: 5
Give a minion +2/+6.
Rating: 2.1/5. From 479 votes.
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12.Infested Tauren
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 2 - Health: 3
Taunt Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Slime.
Rating: 2.1/5. From 1407 votes.
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13.Corrupted Seer
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 6 - Attack: 2 - Health: 3
Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all non-Murloc minions.
Rating: 2.2/5. From 648 votes.
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14.Validated Doomsayer
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Health: 7
At the start of your turn, set this minion's Attack to 7.
Rating: 2.2/5. From 1497 votes.
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15.Darkshire Librarian
Class: Warlock - Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 3 - Health: 2
Battlecry: Discard a random card. Deathrattle: Draw a card.
Rating: 2.3/5. From 626 votes.
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16.Corrupted Healbot
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 6 - Health: 6
Deathrattle: Restore 8 Health to the enemy hero.
Rating: 2.3/5. From 1681 votes.
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17.Forbidden Flame
Class: Mage - Type: Spell - Cost: 0
Spend all your Mana. Deal that much damage to a minion.
Rating: 2.4/5. From 1592 votes.
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18.Polluted Hoarder
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 4 - Health: 2
Deathrattle: Draw a card.
Rating: 2.5/5. From 1248 votes.
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Class: Warlock - Type: Spell - Cost: 10
Destroy all minions. Draw a card for each.
Rating: 2.6/5. From 1872 votes.
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20.Squirming Tentacle
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 2 - Health: 4
Rating: 2.7/5. From 326 votes.
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21.Zealous Initiate
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Attack: 1 - Health: 1
Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion +1/+1.
Rating: 2.7/5. From 344 votes.
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22.Eldritch Horror
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 8 - Attack: 6 - Health: 10
Rating: 2.7/5. From 455 votes.
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23.Thistle Tea
Class: Rogue - Type: Spell - Cost: 6
Draw a card. Add 2 extra copies of it to your hand.
Rating: 2.7/5. From 1021 votes.
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24.Spawn of N'Zoth
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 2 - Health: 2
Deathrattle: Give your minions +1/+1.
Rating: 2.7/5. From 1271 votes.
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25.Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 6 - Attack: 5 - Health: 5
Battlecry: Add 2 Bananas to your hand.
Rating: 2.7/5. From 1644 votes.
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26.Blood of the Ancient One
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 9 - Attack: 9 - Health: 9
If you control two of these at the end of your turn, merge them into 'The Ancient One'.
Rating: 2.7/5. From 1675 votes.
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Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 3 - Health: 6
Battlecry: Swap stats with a friendly minion.
Rating: 2.8/5. From 473 votes.
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28.Aberrant Berserker
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 3 - Health: 5
Enrage: +2 Attack.
Rating: 2.8/5. From 914 votes.
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29.Demented Frostcaller
Class: Mage - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 2 - Health: 4
After you cast a spell, Freeze a random enemy.
Rating: 2.8/5. From 918 votes.
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30.Shadow Word: Horror
Class: Priest - Type: Spell - Cost: 4
Destroy all minions with 2 or less Attack.
Rating: 2.8/5. From 1462 votes.
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31.Divine Strength
Class: Paladin - Type: Spell - Cost: 1
Give a minion +1/+2.
Rating: 2.9/5. From 474 votes.
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32.Carrion Grub
Class: Hunter - Type: Minion - Cost: 3 - Attack: 2 - Health: 5
Rating: 2.9/5. From 549 votes.
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33.Servant of Yogg-Saron
Class: Mage - Type: Minion - Cost: 5 - Attack: 5 - Health: 4
Battlecry: Cast a random spell that costs (5) or less (targets chosen randomly).
Rating: 2.9/5. From 879 votes.
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34.Tentacle of N'Zoth
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 1 - Attack: 1 - Health: 1
Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Rating: 2.9/5. From 1224 votes.
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Class: Mage - Type: Minion - Cost: 8 - Attack: 8 - Health: 6
Deathrattle: Deal 8 damage to all minions.
Rating: 2.9/5. From 1256 votes.
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36.Hogger, Doom of Elwynn
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 7 - Attack: 6 - Health: 6
Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/2 Gnoll with Taunt.
Rating: 3.0/5. From 1609 votes.
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37.Ancient Harbinger
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 6 - Attack: 4 - Health: 6
At the start of your turn, put a 10-Cost minion from your deck into your hand.
Rating: 3.0/5. From 1959 votes.
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38.Scaled Nightmare
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 6 - Attack: 2 - Health: 8
At the start of your turn, double this minion's Attack.
Rating: 3.1/5. From 1472 votes.
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39.Twisted Worgen
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 2 - Attack: 3 - Health: 1
Rating: 3.2/5. From 335 votes.
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40.On the Hunt
Class: Hunter - Type: Spell - Cost: 1
Deal 1 damage. Summon a 1/1 Mastiff.
Rating: 3.2/5. From 369 votes.
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41.Primal Fusion
Class: Shaman - Type: Spell - Cost: 1
Give a minion +1/+1 for each of your Totems.
Rating: 3.2/5. From 399 votes.
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42.Blackwater Pirate
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 2 - Health: 5
Your weapons cost (2) less.
Rating: 3.2/5. From 559 votes.
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43.Skeram Cultist
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 6 - Attack: 7 - Health: 6
Battlecry: Give your C'Thun +2/+2 (wherever it is).
Rating: 3.2/5. From 1312 votes.
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44.Renounce Darkness
Class: Warlock - Type: Spell - Cost: 2
Replace your Hero Power and Warlock cards with another class's. The cards cost (1) less.
Rating: 3.2/5. From 1497 votes.
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45.Giant Sand Worm
Class: Hunter - Type: Minion - Cost: 8 - Attack: 8 - Health: 8
If this minion attacks another minion and kills it, it can attack again.
Rating: 3.2/5. From 1540 votes.
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46.Soggoth the Slitherer
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 9 - Attack: 5 - Health: 9
Taunt Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
Rating: 3.2/5. From 1548 votes.
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47.Forbidden Ritual
Class: Warlock - Type: Spell - Cost: 0
Spend all your Mana. Summon that many 1/1 Tentacles.
Rating: 3.3/5. From 491 votes.
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48.Faceless Shambler
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 1 - Health: 1
Taunt Battlecry: Copy a friendly minion's Attack and Health.
Rating: 3.3/5. From 1497 votes.
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49.Eater of Secrets
Class: Neutral - Type: Minion - Cost: 4 - Attack: 2 - Health: 4
Battlecry: Destroy all enemy Secrets. Gain +1/+1 for each.
Rating: 3.3/5. From 1606 votes.
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Class: Shaman - Type: Spell - Cost: 2
Deal 4 damage to a minion. Overload: (1)
Rating: 3.4/5. From 383 votes.
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