Tavern Brawl Week Thirteen is Double Deathrattler Battler! Choose a class and build your deck around the Deathrattle mechanic. I hope you have Piloted Shredder, because Deathrattle minions will trigger twice for double the value! Fill your deck with silence and Deathrattle, and your old friend Undertaker might even make an appearance!
Double Deathrattler Battler Official Description
Death is not quite the end… because minions with Deathrattle now rattle twice.
- Baron Rivendare does not give you four Deathrattle triggers (Thanks, Marcelo).
Double Deathrattler Battler Deck Lists
Submit your Tavern Brawl deck using our new Hearthstone Deck Builder and your deck could be featured on this post!
PLAY pirate warrior with leper gnome and loothoader, works good
I just want to say that the best deck was created by my friend Sinbolt!
Silence Priest
Crushing everyone since today morning.
Cheers !!
So I found out that none of those decks are good for me because they require some cards from Gnomes expansion, which I dont have. But shortly I’ve stumbled upon a good idea: you dont need those deathrattles to win. Just pick standard pirate deck and go face! Leper gnome is a good addition to trigger his deathrattle twice tho. Here is the deck http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/happy-feast-of-winter-veil/ Enjoy getting dat pack guys
Leeroy + ancestral spirit + reincarnate = 24 damage
I didn’t really overthink it so several of the cards could probably be replaced but the basic plan was Nerubian Egg or Jade Swarmer into Unearthed Raptor – then drop a Defender of Argus or Sunfury Protector. Worked pretty well for me so far: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/rogue-double-deathrattler-brawler/
This “Jade N’Zoth Rogue” works like a charm in this Brawl.
Jade Rouge!!!
Time for Rouge to shine. Use Jade Swarmer, Unearthered Raptor and Aya Blackpaw to create giant Jade Golems quickly. Journey below is also really good because Aya and Jade Swarmer are more likely to be offered as choices.
Just summoned 2 Thaddeuses
I went with the Shadowpriest and Zombie Chow combo. Worked pretty well.
Sounds like a fun deck!
Jared C, decklist?
I made this list. Super fun and 11-1 right now. Steal opponents’ deathrattles, lots of draw, board clears, silences and of course, the wombo combo with both zombie chow and mistress of mixtures!
Baron rivendare doesnt work