This week’s Tavern Brawl is Spellbook Duel! Choose a class and then add ten cards (only one copy of each card) from all of the sets to construct your deck. When you draw a card at the beginning of your turn you will be presented with 3 different cards from your deck (Discover). If you draw a card any other time, you are given a spell called Peruse, which costs 1-mana and allows you to discover a card from your deck.
The information in this post is currently of the previous version of this brawl, I’ll be updating for any changes!
Official Description for Tavern Brawl Spellbook Duel
Choose your spellbook carefully, champion! Pick 10 cards, and anytime you would draw a card, you instead Discover a copy of a card from your deck.
Spellbook Duel Tips
- Milling your opponent does not work. Your opponent will draw Peruse cards instead of cards from their deck.
- Patches the Pirate will actually come out of your deck and leave you with 9 cards. So he really thins your deck now! You can use Gang Up to add him back in for more Patches action.
- You can add cards to each others decks. So, a card like Excavated Evil will be added to their deck and show up in their discovers. If you manage to add two of these cards you can shut off cards that require no duplicates to trigger (e.g. Reno Jackson and Kazakus).
Spellbook Duel Deck Lists
Tell us which are the best 10 cards you used for this Tavern Brawl in the comments below and it could be featured in this post!
Martian’s Quest Discard Warlock
Lakkari Sacrifice, Malchezaar's Imp, Soulfire, Clutchmother Zavas, Darkshire Librarian, Silverware Golem, Fist of Jaraxxus, Lakkari Felhound, Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Doomguard
Evident’s Basic Mage
This is not a great deck, but it can get you a win if you play to your outs and generally always go face. If you have Mana Wyrm or Sorcerer's Apprentice you can swap out Chillwind Yeti who is mostly just a filler card. You are generally always looking for Frostbolt and Fireball, especially later in the game. Use Mirror Image to stall and to protect your charge minions. Frost Nova can buy you enough time to draw an out. Always be counting for lethal, and if your opponent heals or runs Reno Jackson then you should just forfeit because you can only really beat decks that can’t heal.
Arcane Missiles, Mirror Image, Bluegill Warrior, Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Wolfrider, Chillwind Yeti, Fireball, Nightblade
Mr Bump’s Astral Druid
Innervate, Astral Communion, Loatheb, Reno Jackson, Sylvanas Windrunner, Deathwing, Deathwing, Dragonlord, N'Zoth, The Corruptor, Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
1stDestroyer’s Reno Mage
(1) Frostbolt – Serves as either early removal or to stall a big minion.
(2) Sorcerer's Apprentice – Combo with Gadgetzan Auctioneerto infinitely fill your hand back up.
(3) Arcane Intellect – Great for getting those “Peruse” discover cards.
(4) Deathlord – Slowly thin out all the minions in your opponents deck.
(5) Ice Block – Your hero is permanently immune.
(6) Kezan Mystic – Counter any mage with Ice Block.
(7) Loatheb – Frustrates your opponents who are playing mostly spells.
(8) Gadgetzan Auctioneer – The ultimate card draw mechanic.
(9) Reno Jackson – Just an extra card so that you don’t have to play Ice Block every turn in some situations.
(10) Arcane Giant – 0 mana 8/8 minions for huge board presence.
Evident’s Dragon Priest
Power Word: Shield, Twilight Whelp, Wyrmrest Agent, Kabal Talonpriest, Shadow Word: Death, Velen's Chosen, Twilight Guardian, Azure Drake, Drakonid Operative, Excavated Evil
Evident’s Jade Druid
I’m undecided on the Mulch spot. Aya Blackpaw is an option but it’s a bit costly and doesn’t have taunt, which is why I like Jade Behemoth better. I’d also consider Defender of Argus instead of Mulch. Feral Rage will keep you from getting burned out and also acts as removal.
Innervate, Jade Idol, Wild Growth, Brann Bronzebeard, Feral Rage, Mulch, Jade Spirit, Swipe, Nourish, Jade Behemoth
Papasmurf’s Secret Hunter
Alleycat, Arcane Shot, Cat Trick, Explosive Shot, Flare (for the secret mages), Quick Shot, Animal Companion, Cloaked Huntress, Eaglehorn Bow, Kill Command
Shane’s Secret Mage
Kabal Lackey, Mad Scientist, Medivh's Valet, Counterspell, Duplicate, Effigy, Kirin Tor Mage, Mirror Entity, Ethereal Arcanist, Kabal Crystal Runner
moreprime’s Inner Fire Priest
Circle of Healing, Inner Fire, Northshire Cleric, Power Word: Shield, Divine Spirit, Lightwell, Shadow Word: Pain, Kabal Talonpriest, Holy Champion, Holy Nova
I’ve had fun and success with a jade shaman. It’s not as OP as some of these decks I’ve seen, but I’ve still gone 14-3 with it against all sorts of opponents. Silence and big Taunts are the main showcases in it.
Ancestral Healing (mostly for 0-mana Taunt)
Earth Shock
Devolve (as close to a Mass Dispel as you can get)
Jade Claws
Jade Lightning
Jade Spirit
Spellbreaker (might be better with Owl, but I haven’t tried it)
Wailing Soul (when a mage is feeling safe after freezing all your big green men)
Aya Blackpaw
Jade Chieftain (mostly for Taunt, once again)
Crazy combo priest
Circle of healing
Inner fire
Northshire cleric
Pw shield
Divine spirit
Radiant elemental
Shadow visions
Sw pain
Spirit lash
You draw like crazy from cleric+spirit lash+circle, double your radiant elemental, inner fire and go face! The limiting factor is turn lenght. Its just awesome to have a 500/500 minion on turn 4!
The deck list I was using back in January (from my previous comment waaaay down below) still works – not as well as it did but it’s still pretty lulzy to drop Krul the Unshackled and have him pull Mal’ganis x2 and Doomguard x3 at the same time
OP Jade Druid
1 Earthren Scales
1 Jade Idol
2 Wild Growth
3 Jade Blossom
3 Brann Bronzebeard
6 Aya Blackpaw
6 Gadgetzan Auctioneer
6 Reno Jackson
8 Kel’Thuzad
10th card I’m using (Defender of Argus) but can be swapped for any anti aggro card to get you to your Reno Jackson turn 6 win condition.
Having issues—
I’ve been trying a list that uses Hemmet to thin my deck to Hemmet, Deathwing, and Reno. Once I play Hemmet and the turn is passed back to me my hand and board become unresponsive and I cannot discover a card. The first time this happened I assumed that it was a network issue, but I’ve tried it three times now and the result is always the same.
Is anyone else having these issues? Do you think this is a built-in rule or a glitch?
Playing on iOS
There’s a glitch with the brawl where if your deck has 3 or fewer cards in it you can’t do anything during your turn.