Hello, I’ve been working on this new layout for a bit and I just put the finishing touches on it. It’s not a lot different, but everything is a lot cleaner, sleeker, and sexier… I hope you like it! There were some big layout changes for Deck vs. Deck so be sure to check that section out.
If you have find any bugs first try shift+refresh or clearing your cache. If that doesn’t work please comment below! With most new layouts bugs are the norm, and I will be squashing them in the next few days.
If you ABSOLUTELY hate the sticky header then let me know in the comments, and if I get enough feedback I’ll disable the feature. I personally find it helpful, but I know some people find it annoying.
Edit: I received a couple of comments about the sticky navigation height and I have reduced the size of it significantly. I hope this helps anyone that was having an issue with it!
Hiya from Ireland, love the site, I use it all the time. It’s a great insight into deck building, also love the new deck v deck feature. I just found one glitch in the new format, when I right click on a page to print………well check it yourself and see! I’m not very tech savvy, an old fart, but I love my hearthstone!! Keep up the good work!!
Glad you like the site, that’s a unique bug that you found! Thanks for letting me know, I’ll be looking into it.
The sticky header is fine… the shortening of it is great… etc.
But one real important general comment: Thank you for supplying what is likely the best site of its kind for a game that we love. This is the only site I bother to visit with any regularity (as it is the one with the best information in the best format in the timeliest fashion), and I suspect that the complaints outnumber the genuine thank you messages most days. We all know that there are way more who appreciate the efforts than who complain about them, but I just don’t want any complainers to get all the air time.
Thank you again.
Thanks so much, I really appreciate the comment. Comments like these make it worth the effort.
Hi there,
I’m not into the sticky header beacause while looking at decks and moving the cursor over the cards the header often overlaps the the popped up card. Overall i think the header is much to big. On my 15.6” display it’s about 3 cm (1.2 inches) upright. I’m sure it could be compressed to 1 cm.
Apart from this keep up the good work, I really like your site! (y)
Greeting from Germany!
I made it so it shrinks when you scroll down! I hope this helps, I’m glad you like the site.
Hm, for me it isn’t shrinking while scrolling down. Do you have got any idea what reason this could have?
I would try clearing your cache or trying the shift+refresh. If that doesn’t work let me know what browser/OS you are using and I will looking into it!
You were right. Clearing the cache worked. Thanks for your support!
Hi, is there a way to browse all decks with no filter? It seems that there is always one, or the class, or the type, etc… Let me know! thanks
You can go here: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/deck-category/constructed-seasons/
I’ll probably add a better way to do this in the future.
can u reduce header in size? it is too big.
where is tournament decks column?
also i find footer useless as well as random background image on top.
I removed the tournaments column in a previous update, you can still view all the tournament decks here: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/deck-category/style/tournament/
I reduced the size of the header when you scroll, so I hope that helps.