It’s the middle of the month so let’s take a look at the Season 14 meta! I went through MrYagut, Rdu, Savjz, JJ102, and Forsen’s streams and recorded 100 played legendary games on the EU ladder to come up with the following statistics:
Deck Type | % |
Patron Warrior | 15% (15/100) |
Midrange Demon Zoo | 14% (14/100) |
Face Hunter | 10% (10/100) |
Tempo Mage | 10% (10/100) |
Control Warrior | 9% (9/100) |
Midrange Hunter | 9% (9/100) |
Handlock Warlock | 8% (8/100) |
Midrange Druid | 7% (7/100) |
Freeze Mage | 4% (4/100) |
Dragon Paladin | 3% (3/100) |
Mech Mage | 3% (3/100) |
Mech Shaman | 2% (2/100) |
Midrange Shaman | 2% (2/100) |
Aggro Paladin | 1% (1/100) |
Lightbomb Priest | 1% (1/100) |
Midrange Paladin | 1% (1/100) |
Oil Rogue | 1% (1/100) |
I’m basing my matchup assumptions off of this handy chart made by LiquidHearth.
Patron Warrior is still one of the top decks being played right now, and although Handlock has a good matchup with it, the high amount of Hunters keep Handlock from becoming too powerful. Midrange Demon Zoo is the most prevalent Warlock Deck, and Hunter is a mix of Face and Midrange both literally and figuratively.
One of the best decks for the ladder right now would probably be Control Warrior. It has a good matchup against Patron, is decent against Zoo, takes out Face Hunter, and the decks that counter it are mostly off the ladder: Druid, Paladin, and Shaman.
Here are the lists that are making the rounds!
Midrange Druid is in a decent spot, but suffers from a bad matchup with Patron. Ramp Druid is your option if you are seeing nothing but Patron decks, but is weak to Handlock and Tempo Mage which are reasonably popular.
With the addition of Hybrid Hunter, and the ever changing traps that a Hunter uses it can be very difficult to play against the class. This, however, allows for multiple options if you are an avid Hunter fan.
Tempo Mage is surprisingly popular, and it does seem to have decent matchups against the field. There’s a lot of Warrior out there so you might want to think twice about unleashing the Freeze Mage. Mech Mage is only really weak to Zoo, so if you can dodge that matchup it might be a decent choice.
Dragon Paladin is pretty iffy, and due to a weak matchup to Patron, Midrange has been fairly unpopular. JJ102 had some pretty good luck with his deck, and even claimed some luck with Dragon so maybe it will start to turn around for the class.
There’s not much new for Priest. Lightbomb Priest sees some play, but is weak to Patron and Handlock. If, however, you’re seeing a lot of Zoo, this might be a good choice to change things up.
Rogue was down and out after GvG released, and only a month or so later saw a resurgence with the discovery of Oil Rogue. The class actually shouldn’t be in such a bad spot with seemingly decent matchups against Patron Warrior and Zoo, the only apparent weak spot is against Hunter.
Fireguard Destroyer has actually been removed from most Midrange Shaman decks. Once thought to be the class’s saving grace has turned out to be fairly disappointing. Shaman has been kept on life support due to some strong showings from Forsen in recent tournaments with the Mech/Fel Reaver variety.
The meta has been kind to Warlock. The class has two strong varieties and only competes with Warrior and Hunter for top class.
Patron is still the top dog in terms of decks, and can be countered by Control Warrior! The class is in a great spot, even adding some Dragon flavor to some of the Control decks.
The new “meta snapshot”. great work!