Hearthstone What’s Next and Possible New Expansion Hints (Whispers of the Old Gods?)!

Well, we’re reaching the time of the Hearthstone meta cycle where it’s time to get hyped over the next possible expansion. It’s looking like an expansion having to do with the “Old Gods” is coming, and I’m collecting all of the information below!

Update (3/7/2016): New Expansion Confirmed

It’s looking more and more like “Whispers of the Old Gods” (could be titled something else) is going to be the next expansion of Hearthstone. We’ve got the updated cards below, which is better explained in this video:

And now we’ve got this clue from Blizzheart:

Source: Blizzheart

There are whispers around the Tavern…

Come listen closely and discover the next Hearthstone expansion at a special live-streamed event!

March 11, 2016 – 19:00 CET


This confirms that a new expansion is coming, and that something is whispering around the Tavern, which totally torpedoed my talk of Battle of Mount Hyjal (BibleThump).

Announcement Coming on March 11th at the Hearthstone Winter Championship

Here’s the official announcement of the announcement of the announcement that will be occurring at the Hearthstone Winter Championship. Which you can find below:

Something inside the Tavern stirs . . .  what could it be? Don’t worry – you won’t be alone! Our very own Lead Designer Ben Brode and Senior Producer Yong Woo will kick off the weekend of the Americas Winter Championship with an announcement about what’s coming next for Hearthstone.

Tune in March 11 at 10:00 a.m. PST to see what has been lurking unfold live on Twitch! For more information on the Hearthstone Winter Championships, head on over to this blog to find out more.

You won’t want to miss what we unveil, so be sure to follow the Hearthstone Twitch channel to be notified when we go online. We’ll see you there!


Clues Found on the Official Hearthstone Site

And now we have a possible hint at what the expansion might be. Just about every time an adventure or expansion is released there’s a clue on the website in one shape or another. The Grand Tournament had a falling sword appear, Curse of Naxxramas had cobwebs on the site, and Blackrock Mountain had a floating elemental. The other thing Blackrock Mountain had, was a change in the cards that appeared on the home page:

Original Home Page Slider
Original Home Page Slider

This was changed recently which was discovered on Reddit:

New Home Page Slider
New Home Page Slider
Full Carousel of Images

What does this mean? Well, I’m not entirely sure, but you can bet it’s somehow a clue towards what is to come. The very odd card is Dark Wispers… Goblins vs. Gnomes is cycling out, so if we consider the art on the card is from the Battle of Mount Hyjal, then that might lead us to what is coming next!

Edit: Based on some more research, and what I’ve read from Reddit. It looks like these could be references to the Old Gods!

Faceless Manipulator, aka N’raqi: “The n’raqi, commonly known as the faceless ones or the faceless, are a monstrous race that arose from the organic matter that seeped from the Old Gods’ blighted forms during the primordial era of Azeroth. Cunning and intelligent, they serve their eldritch masters with fanatical loyalty.” [Source]

Let me know in the comments what this could mean or what you think the next expansion will be!

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  1. Gkun
    March 5, 2016 at 12:33 PM

    Don’t think there is any ground for speculation here. Looks like you wrote the article for the sake of writing it. Making mount hyjal an xpac / adventure would be the worst thing ever. Well the raid was a complete failure at least.

    • Evident - Author
      March 5, 2016 at 1:30 PM

      How are there no grounds for speculation? They changed the same cards for Blackrock Mountain right before it was announced. It’s obviously a clue, and Battle of Mount Hyjal is just one potential option, with it more likely being something to do with the Old Gods which explains most of the cards (if you read the Reddit thread).