The new Hearthstone patch that adds all of the Kobolds and Catacombs cards to the game has arrived! Check out the new card backs and the patch notes below.
New Card Backs
Both Frostfire and Azeroth is Burning are completely new, while the other two are part of the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion.
Azeroth is Burning appears to be apart of a “Special Promotion” which is related to the next World of Warcraft expansion (likely a reward for pre-purchasing).
Hearthstone Patch 10.0 Notes
- Don’t miss out! The Kobolds & Catacombs pre-purchase bundle will remain available until 11:59 p.m. PST December 6. This bundle includes 50 card packs at a special price and the For the Hoard! card back.
- Hearthstone’s newest Expansion, Kobolds & Catacombs, releases beginning December 7! Log in after release to receive 3 Kobolds & Catacombs card packs and a random Legendary weapon card, FREE!
- Kobolds & Catacombs introduces:
- Dungeon Run: FREE repeatable single-player experience where everything you need is provided!
- Legendary weapon collectible cards for ALL nine classes
- A new keyword: Recruit
- Two new card types: Spellstones and Unidentified Items
- In total, 135 new cards to add to your collection!
- Added three progressive Dungeon Run quests that each reward a Kobolds & Catacombs card pack*.
- Defeat Dungeon Run with all nine classes to acquire the Candle King card back!
- New repeating daily quest – Spelunker: Defeat 5 Dungeon Run encounters. Reward: 1 Classic card pack.
- The Hearth and Home cinematic has replaced the previous Hearthstone cinematic.
- Added the following card backs:
- Azeroth is Burning – Acquired from a special promotion.
- Catacomber – Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, December 2017
- Frostfire – Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, January 2018
- Improved reconnection and UI for Friendly Challenges.
- A new Match Paused pop-up will display a countdown while waiting for opponent to reconnect.
- When a player reconnects, the turn timer will restart.
- The Game Menu will now display ‘End Game’ instead of ‘Concede’ and clicking it will tie the match.
- Arena draft appearance rates have been adjusted.
- Note: Non-Basic Neutral Classic minions represent the baseline for draft appearance rates.
- Basic/classic neutral minion: .5x
- Non-basic/classic neutral minion: 1x
- Most recent set neutral minion: 2x
- Basic class minion: 2x
- Basic class spell: 3.5x
- Non-basic/classic class minion: 2x
- Non-basic/classic class spell/weapon: 3.5x
- Most recent set class minion: 4x
- Most recent set class spell/weapon: 7x
- As part of our ongoing efforts to improve Class balance in the Arena, we are making small, periodic appearance rate adjustments to specific Arena cards.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to spectate without closing the Arena welcome message.
- Canceling Malfurion the Pestilent will no longer cause Armor to become invisible.
- Attacks with Lifesteal will no longer create excessive animations while Auchenai Soulpriest and Bolf Ramshield are on the board.
- Multi-target effects with Lifesteal now apply their healing as a single large heal, rather than individually.
- All Lifesteal effects now use the same, standardized, visual and sound effects.
- Combo effects can no longer target non-interactable minions such as Sherazin, Seed.
- Brann Bronzebeard will no longer grant double Lifesteal to Corpsetaker.
- Blingtron’s Battlecry will now trigger weapon Deathrattles when it occurs twice due to Brann Bronzebeard.
- Minions destroyed by Frostmourne will now be displayed on its enchantment banner.
- Losing durability from Sword of Justice will no longer sometimes cause Lifesteal to trigger.
- Deathstalker Rexxar’s Battlecry no longer benefits from effects on an equipped weapon, such as Poisonous or Lifesteal.
- Unwilling Sacrifice’s random targeting will no longer select an enemy Spellbender that has intercepted an Unwilling Sacrifice.
- Granting a Deathrattle to Scavenging Hyena, then playing Terrorscale Stalker on it will no longer give it +2/+1.
- Resolved a crash that could occur when playing a Quest spell that triggers Counterspell.
- Cards transformed by Golden Kobold will no longer sometimes be revealed to your opponent.
- The animation for Frost Nova will no longer play multiples times while Moorabi is on the board.
- Hovering over a Quest in progress as your turn starts will no longer cause cards that provide progress toward completing it to lose class specific border colors.
- Replacing a Cursed Blade with a Cursed Blade will no longer remove the ‘cursed’ animation on the Hero portrait.
- Application of the Bolster buff will no longer be slightly delayed on an eligible minion that was played last onto a full board.
- Joust and other card reveal effects will now function correctly if your deck contains 60 cards.
Tavern Brawl
- Shiftcon: Minions with a Yellow glow will no longer retain it when they shift into a new minion.
- Tag Team: Resolved an issue that could cause the match to end prematurely when swapping Heroes.
- Decks Assemble: Resolved a crash that could occur when the turn ends while your opponent controls Jeeves.
- [Mobile] Fixed a bug where card tooltips would sometime appear at the edge of the screen and get cut off on mobile devices
- [Android] Region selection on Android tablets will no longer sometimes be blank.
* Make sure you’ve unlocked daily quests by completing The Duelist quest. It’s also recommended to make sure that there’s room in your quest log on release day so none of your quests are replaced!
Anyone know what time PST it will launch? I assume 9am
This is the patch available now?
“New repeating daily quest – Spelunker: Defeat 5 Dungeon Run encounters. Reward: 1 Classic card pack.”
This is a new quest that can reappear forever like other dailyquest or is unique?.
Curious minds want to know about the Spelunker quest, how long will this go on?
It seems it is just one more Daily Quest, like all the others. Nothing special.
Ben Brode: “it’s another quest added to the pool of random daily quests”
Well, the “repeating DAILY quest” speaks for itself (there are no restrictions, like until the end of the month or for two weeks so it is more likely that it goes on forever………… or at least hopefully lol). It feels too good to be true, but Blizz has finally done it, a 1 free classic card pack daily.
Um, it’s called specter… watch a friend win for a classic pack… So now there’s two ways
I don’t understand the part of the change to the “concede” button.
If I press”end game” it will tie the match?
So I can never lose?
It cannot be, so please some1. Explain it
Yes, you can’t lose. And it is for friendly matches only.
it says the change is for friendly challenges, so it won’t affect ranked games.
It is written under the subcategory: “Improved reconnection and UI for Friendly Challenges.”. Which means it will only be applied to friendly challenges.
Ok, thank u
hope it is not 1 GB so i can start playing fast
How big is the patch?.
Like 2GB, i download it now.
Sorry I meant for mobile..