Root Invitational

A full list of decks from the Root Hearthstone Invitational! We’ve also included the VODs and card stats below.

Notable Decks

There were a lot of different decks in this tournament. You have Chakki’s near full set of Mill/Fatigue decks, TidesofTime’s Echo Mage and Grommash free Control Warrior. LifeCoach brought a Warlock deck that was a struggle for me to name. Just a lot of different decks which was pretty refreshing.

Notable Stats

Loatheb refused to be left down for long and tied Dr. Boom by showing up in 53.1% of decks. The new top card, however, is Piloted Shredder beating out both popular legendaries at 68.8%. Sludge Belcher and Azure Drake continue to fight it out for the top Rare with Sludge Belcher coming out on top at 46.9%. One of the biggest jumps on the charts was Antique Healbot. It went from not even being seen on the Commons list at Kinguin 3, to becoming the second most popular common, and breaking the top cards list at 40.6%!

Druid and Mage tied for the top classes of the tournament. Priest was only brought by TidesofTime, and Shaman was completely left out.

Deck Lists


Card Stats

Card Stats are based on how many decks the card appears in.