I understand the power of the Belcher, even more when you play against tons of Aggro lists lately (Face Paladin and Hunter mostly). But having 2 Houndmaster + 1 Hounds + 2 animal companion, and a lot of early game which you can trade nicely (Spinner, Elekk, Creeper, Scientist), wouldn’t it be better to change it for a Ram Wangler? Same mana cost, also 2 minions (and one of them can be AMAZING) and more board presence, and not that weak against Silence.
I also want to ask about the Quickshots. I’m not a fan of it in this kind of deck, so I usually use a Flare (tons of secrets lately, and in the worst case it’s a draw for 2 mana) and a Mark. I don’t know what do you guys think.
And finally one last thing. What do you think of changing the Explosive trap for a Bear trap? It’s also a defensive trap (better against midrange decks, as you usually don’t kill anything if you play it too late) and has good sinergy with Kill Command and Ram Wangler (if played), also with Houndmaster.
PS: I also run King Krush, you know, just in case I need it =P
As i see it: i certainly wouldn’t remove belcher, if o was to add in ram wrangler (which can be truly cool), i’d change him for 1 HM, because he fits similar niche (also the same req – just a little bit higher mana cost, which however synergises with elekk). Changing 1 quickshot for flare seems reasonable, because of the prevalence of secret paladins and because 2 quickshots in hand can deny you the draw anyway, however i’d certainly hold at least on one, because even if not activated, it’s pretty amazing card. Bear trap seems as much better fit especially if you change belcher for wrangler, but keep in mind, that it is technically your only AoE (especially since jugglers have been changed for elekks and only 1 unleash (which is also kind of AoE, but more often used as activator for best synergy and pushing face); also in mid-control or control matchups it’s another 2 dmg to face, while bear probably wont stick (or be able to do dmg).
P. S. KK is kinda trash, but certainly fun and unexpected to play
I see no point in playing this deck. It’s straight up worse than standard midrange hunter with jugglers.
I understand the power of the Belcher, even more when you play against tons of Aggro lists lately (Face Paladin and Hunter mostly). But having 2 Houndmaster + 1 Hounds + 2 animal companion, and a lot of early game which you can trade nicely (Spinner, Elekk, Creeper, Scientist), wouldn’t it be better to change it for a Ram Wangler? Same mana cost, also 2 minions (and one of them can be AMAZING) and more board presence, and not that weak against Silence.
I also want to ask about the Quickshots. I’m not a fan of it in this kind of deck, so I usually use a Flare (tons of secrets lately, and in the worst case it’s a draw for 2 mana) and a Mark. I don’t know what do you guys think.
And finally one last thing. What do you think of changing the Explosive trap for a Bear trap? It’s also a defensive trap (better against midrange decks, as you usually don’t kill anything if you play it too late) and has good sinergy with Kill Command and Ram Wangler (if played), also with Houndmaster.
PS: I also run King Krush, you know, just in case I need it =P
As i see it: i certainly wouldn’t remove belcher, if o was to add in ram wrangler (which can be truly cool), i’d change him for 1 HM, because he fits similar niche (also the same req – just a little bit higher mana cost, which however synergises with elekk). Changing 1 quickshot for flare seems reasonable, because of the prevalence of secret paladins and because 2 quickshots in hand can deny you the draw anyway, however i’d certainly hold at least on one, because even if not activated, it’s pretty amazing card. Bear trap seems as much better fit especially if you change belcher for wrangler, but keep in mind, that it is technically your only AoE (especially since jugglers have been changed for elekks and only 1 unleash (which is also kind of AoE, but more often used as activator for best synergy and pushing face); also in mid-control or control matchups it’s another 2 dmg to face, while bear probably wont stick (or be able to do dmg).
P. S. KK is kinda trash, but certainly fun and unexpected to play