Wild Taunt Druid
Aggro Paladin: Slightly unfavored
- Due to the lack of Spreading Plague in this deck, aggressive decks are slightly better against Hadronox than other Druid archetypes. Despite this, the Taunts and armor can overcome the aggressive rush if drawn correctly.
- Mulligan: Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Swipe
Odd Paladin: Even
- This matchup is largely decided by how well the Paladin draws. Specifically, their buffs. If they can build a multiple big boards and get their buffs down before turn 10, you’re probably in trouble. If you can hold them off until then, you can probably save the game.
- Mulligan: Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Swipe
Cubelock: Highly favored
- Long slow games are where Taunt Druid shines, and Cubelock is the perfect target. As long as you don’t let the Warlock spiral away with Doomguards and Cubes, the game should be an easy match.
- Mulligan: Nourish, Master Oakheart
Big Priest: Highly unfavored
- This matchup is one of the worst matchups for Taunt Druid due to the large number of large threats that Big Priest can churn out. With only Poison Seeds as AOE removal, the Druid can’t beat 2+ Spellstones from the Priest. The only way to win this matchup is to be aggressive, build up a board, and use Branching Paths to give your board an attack boost to go face.
- Mulligan: Poison Seeds, Nourish
Malygos Druid: Even
- Malygos Druid has the same armor gain and board clears as Taunt Druid, but their OTK is a much more efficient finisher in the matchup. The two possible ways to win are to stack up enough armor to survive the Malygos turn, or to rush them down with Branching Paths.
- Mulligan: Branching Paths, Nourish, Master Oakheart
Even Shaman: Highly unfavored
- As a slower midrange deck, this matchup is a tough one. It can be won by maintaining Taunts and neutralizing the big swing turns with your Spellstones and Naturalizes (Use Naturalize only if you would die, because giving an even shaman card draw is one of the worst things to do.). Essentially surviving until Hadronox, Dragon Hatcher or Master Oakheart can come down and save the day.
- Mulligan: Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Swipe, Poison Seeds, Nourish if you have Wild Growth
Odd Rogue: Even
- This matchup is one of the most even in the current meta. It’s a toss up with how good each players hands are. The key is in this matchup is to maintain board control as often as possible, as board control is how the Rogue spirals the game out of control.
- Mulligan: Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Swipe
Tech Choice
I’m not sure what’s better… slowing down some of your opponents with Seeds or ramping faster with Blossom…
Find out what you like the most.
Maybe Cards

Alternative Decklist without N’Zoth:
Visit my other Legend decklists
Visit my other Legend decklists
Wild Reno Hunter (updated list)
Kripps OTK Combo Quest Nuclear Strike Priest
Wild Hearthstone Tierlist
Wild Hearthstone Tierlist
SmilodeX is a card game enthusiast since he can read cards. He’s collecting cards from different card games and also played Magic the Gathering competetive. Smilo is playing Hearthstone since Naxxramas and had diverse legend finishes (most of them were in the wild mode). His passion is deckbuilding and playing control/combo & midrange decks. His goal isn’t just straight netdeck-meta-grinding, instead he’s trying to reach the higher ranks with his homebrewed decks. To have fun and to try out something new or crazy is his attitude, winning is sometimes insignificant. He’s analysing statistics to work out the best deck techs in current meta, improving different memedecks and matchups to have succcess with them on the ladder.