This deck is likely obsolete due to the Blade Flurry nerf. It is going to be kept here as a historical Hearthstone reference!
Oil Rogue is the deck that saved Rogue from a miserable existence. Not long after Goblins vs. Gnomes released it was thought that the class was dead, but a bit of deck ingenuity later and Oil Rogue was discovered. Unfortunately for Rogue, the deck is literally the only viable deck for the class. There is some fun to be had with Mill Rogue, but Oil Rogue stands alone as the solely true competitive deck for the class.
Oil Rogue gets its name from the card Tinker's Sharpsword Oil. The card paired with Blade Flurry can destroy an unsuspecting opponent from nearly all HP levels. Southsea Deckhand is added to the deck as a low cost combo enabler that also gives Rogue a place for Tinker's Sharpsword Oil to land from an empty board. Violet Teacher can now fill up boards because of the cheap spells. The deck does require some healing due to the need of Rogue to use its face to remove minions. Earthen Ring Farseer and sometimes Antique Healbot will commonly see roles in the deck.
Oil Rogue Deck List Update – April 2016 (Season 25)
There isn’t a whole lot of change going on in this deck in Season 25. It’s pretty standardized and can be tech’d in a few different ways.
Tomb Pillager is a card that does see play, it trades better into popular 5-drops like Sludge Belcher and Loatheb. You can swap out a Piloted Shredder and an Earthen Ring Farseer to make room for it!
Oil Rogue Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Backstab, SI:7 Agent, and Deadly Poison are high value when looking to mulligan for Oil Rogue. Fan of Knives can be kept against Paladin to defend against Muster for Battle. Violet Teacher is a strong keep against Midrange and Control decks.
Mryagut, one of the strongest Oil Rogue players, will actually keep Sprint against Control Warrior.
Oil Rogue Tech Cards
Assassin's Blade is added from time to time to the deck to push damage and generate massive Oil and Blade Flurry combos. Southsea Deckhand comes and goes in the deck, and double Healbot or Earthen Ring Farseer is regularly seen. Goblin Auto-Barber has also seen its fair share of additions to get more value out of your weapon. Tomb Pillager is a strong card, and be considered as a replacement for Piloted Shredder or Sludge Belcher.
Oil Rogue Card Substitutions (Replacements)
Keep in mind that replacements for cards are rarely ever going to be perfect. It’s usually easiest to try and come close to what the card accomplishes, or double up an already existing card in the deck.
- Edwin VanCleef: This is one of the cards I’m asked to replace the most. Second Piloted Shredder is not bad, or if you want to be defensive you can go second Sludge Belcher. Assassin's Blade is sometimes a consideration in the deck. Tomb Pillager is also worth a look, but I’ve seen it in less and less decks recently.
- Bloodmage Thalnos: Kobold Geomancer if you value the Spell Power, and Loot Hoarder if you value the draw. You could just go second Shredder or Tomb Pillager.
Oil Rogue Combos and Synergies
There’s a lot of good combos in this deck, and most of them start with Preparation. Violet Teacher, Prep, into a Sap on a Piloted Shredder is a monster tempo play that can outright win you a game. Preparation into a turn 4 Sprint gives you a ton of card advantage. You can also get a turn-3 6/6 Edwin VanCleef just by playing Prep (Eviscerate or Deadly Poison for example) into another spell. You’ll generally want to stick with a 6/6 to avoid Big Game Hunter.
Tinker's Sharpsword Oil and Deadly Poison are great for finishing off your opponent, this is especially the case when you pair them with Blade Flurry. This is also one of the reasons you want to save the durability on your weapon. You can attack with the oiled/poisoned weapon, then use Blade Flurry to get double damage in. Also, keep in mind that Spell Damage DOES work with Blade Flurry, but because Blade Flurry doesn’t list the damage on the card this can be often overlooked.
Any replacement for 1 Preparation??
That card is vital to this deck, but this deck might not be good enough to play anymore because of the nerf to Blade Flurry.
So this deck is dead now because of the nerf?
It’s not looking good for this deck.
I would like to add malygos to the deck, what could i take out ?
I’d just use this deck instead:
This deck is pretty awesome, keeps up with the current meta but sometimes you might get pretty rekt by aggro.
This deck is getting me angry cuz there ar eno control options and the rouge is for me the badest char, dont play him
How can I replace Edwin?
Second Piloted Shredder.
I want to play ranked with this deck. How high can I go with the oil rogue?
You can get to legend for sure, but this deck is a bit more advanced in terms of skill level.
Just came around again to say that Van Cleef is awesome. I crafted him and I don’t have any regrets. It’s a card that you most of the times want to have in your opening hand and gives this deck more threats and most important, makes it funnier to play. I must say I’ve crushed every meta deck but I also have problems with aggro.
The aggro deck that you have problems with I believe is aggro shaman? If you find youself stuck with aggro you could replace farseer with healbot or even farseer and belcher for two healbots
Hi. I’ve always played Rogue since I started playing HS (not long ago tho). I saw that the OilRogue is a tier 2 deck in the current meta but I’ve found it difficult to play even more this season (S22). I was wondering if Van Cleef gives this decks another level and I’m missing a lot because is the only card of this list that I don’t have. Depending on the answer obviously, should I craft him then?, because I have the exact dust to do so; or should I craft another legendary? I already have Thalnos, Justicar, Sylvanas and Boom. I’m open to craft neutral or class legendaries or even top tier decks (secret paladin, aggro shaman). Help me please!
Thank you.
PD: sorry for my bad english, I’m Peruvian.
I’m also a rogue player. I have vancleef but after more than 100 games with rogue, I realized that it is not worth it to put him in the deck. You tend to make him big when you get the chance and it just gets BGH’d or silenced A LOT. Trust me, a big cleef RARELY works. Hope this helps.
Thank you a lot. Now I’ll see what else to do then.
I actually disagree with the person above. I am also a rogue player that has played rogue ever since I played hearthstone (also the first class I reached lvl 60 with) and I think van cleef is necessary in this deck. It’s the only minion besides boom that can create a big board presence. Your opponent is forced to deal with it or forced to silence it. The problem that you may face is when to play van cleef. If you get him early with the coin, don’t be afraid to get a 4/4 van cleef on turn 2. If you get it super late, try to save it for a big combo. If you get it in the middle, when your opponent has cards to deal with it, either play it so the opponent is forced to sacrifice a card or several minions to kill it or wait and just try to clear the board. Hope this helps
well… what the guy above just wrote is “i don’t understand how to play around big threats.
Watch a single pro-streamer who plays oil. He doesn’t even need to be good at him and you will see that they NEVER buff him above 6/6. They always aim for the 6/6, if necesairy even only 4/4. Put down a 6/6 for 2 mana is huuuge!
Don’t get me wrong. I m just here cause I was thinking about building me an oilroguedeck myself. I haven’t played oilrogue yet, but i’ve faced quite some good oilrogues so far and I haven’t seen one oilrogue above rank 5 with an EVC 8/8 or higher. Unless ofc your Dr.7/oiledminion was BGHed allready, but that rarely happens as Boom is usually played 1-2-turns before you or your enemy finishes, it s a little late 4 EVC then most of the time.
And silencing it? who has silences nowadays? Aggrodecks, who need their silence for your belcher (if they silence your EVC they re basically doing you good, as you can kill his small minions with our small EVC aswell and your belcher stays in their face) plus you re usually focusing on surviving, not on saving cards for a big EVC-combo.
tldr: you aim with EVC for 6/6 or less in 95% of the games.
Partly what I said, yes your aim should be to aim for those 6/6 but as an avid oil rogue player I think you can aim for something big at later stages of the game
Well, it depends. You don’t always have to go for 6/6 EVC. Against decks that you know that they don’t usually run BGH you can go for an 8/8 or more EVC.
I haven’t played any Oil Rogue yet, but from what I saw I can say that EVC is a must here. Dr.Boom is too slow in this deck and most of the time you will aim for having a large hand and combos in order to finish your opponent, so EVC can become later your big fancy card if you need one. Also, EVC is good because it gives you more options. You can play Dr. Boom only on turn 7 while there are no constrains about when to play EVC.
Btw, Thijs’ Oil Rogue is the best version in my opinion. Have a look at it. It seems like fun.
Sorry. I am that anonymous guy. They’re right. Right after posting my reply, I reincluded EVC in my deck and I know how to use it now. You usually make it 4/4 against priest while 6/6 against everyone else. Make it 8/8 when your opponent has no hand or has exhausted all removals.
I can’t believe it took me 200 ranked wins in rogue BEFORE I understood how it works.. And I’m still not confident I know enough. I’m becoming happy using it now though.
I dont have preparations can i replace them with something because i have seen this card is verry important in 90%rogue decks
Too important of a card to replace, sorry!
I think you scarcely can replace this card as it makes combo like Preparation+Sprint/Oil/Fan that is crucial to Rogue and helps triggering Combo
In other words, preparation is the reason this deck exists.
Is Southsea Deckhand a viable card in this deck to replace Earthen? I feel that with so many Reno decks on ladder now-a-days it could be valuable to have an OTK using South sea on an empty board.
Yes, it’s very viable.
Yeah, Don’t get me wrong. I like the Farseer, but everytime I lose with this deck that extra 3 life never mattered haha. I play around with 2 Oil and 1 Deckhand. I cut either a teacher or a shredder for 2nd Oil. Combo OTK chances go up slightly. Also with 2 oils, I’ll sub out Loathed for assassins blade from time to time.
Thinking of putting in tomb pillaged or a Asians blade for replacement on vancleef replacement? Any ideas for replacing him I feel like he just gets regulated to easy
Tomb Pillager could be fine, I think Edwin is strong in this deck though.
Usually people scoop to a huge Edwin around turn 4-5. I usually aim to make a 4/4 Ed, vs. Priests, or 8/8 vs. decks that I don’t suspect to have BGH, like other Oil Rogue.
Tomb Pillager is a good replacement for Piloted Shredder.
What can I use to replace Edwin?
Second Shredder.
Questing Adventurer (+1/+1)
-1 edwin, -1 thalnos and +1 bgh, +1 southsea deckhand (is missing here wtf?)
I have never looked at this site and decided to play rouge. The deck I came up with is very similar in concept, but completely different cards. I have been having a crazy amount of success with it.
Ill give you a rundown of the cards that I remember, hearthstones down… and I don’t wanna give away all my secrets do I?!
Bloodsail raider x 2
Minions-Auto Barber X2
Bucanneer x 2
Bandit x2 (The one that summons a 2/1 off a combo)
Young Brewmaster x 2
Mana Addict x 1
Questing Adeventurer x 1
Adept engineer x 2
Blade flurry x 2
Oil of course x 2
Deadly posion x 2
Cold Blooded x 2
Backstab x 1
Conceal x 1
Shadowstep x 2
Shiv x 2
Some other stuff I can’t remember. I seem to be doing really well with this deck. Young brewmaster and Shadow step warp cards like bandit or engineer in and out for double effect, also works well with auto barber, as you can keep using battle cry to buff the hero weapon.
Bandit getting warped in and out repeatedly can put a lot of minions on the board really cheap, cold blood and conceal can buff and wreck some early game high damage minions.
I love this deck.
Hi, I have been testing this deck and I like it, but in my opinion you should keep two oils instead of one.
For the other hand, I have done other modificatios beacuse I haven’t got thalnos and this modified deck is more aggresive than your deck and it give me better results.
Inconclussion, I like your version of oil rogue.
I switched Bloodmage Thalnos for an Assassin’s Blade, It saved me so many times.
Can I replace loatheb for dr b?
You could try it, Loatheb is really good for sealing out a game.
If we don’t have BloodMage thalnos can the deck still work?
he seems very good as he draws a card and adds spell damage.
What else could we put in? Another deckhand? Violet teacher?
I would go with second Violet Teacher. It’s still a solid deck without Thalnos.
Any swaps for thalnos? Or is he needed? Btw I don’t have cleef… :D!
Second Violet Teacher.
You can put in a Kobold Geomancer. It costs the same, you don’t have to craft it, and it’s a bit sturdier than Thalnos(although not by much). Only downside is not being able to draw a card, but hey, that’s why Thalnos is legendary.
If you need board control, Kobold+Fan is practically a Consecrate. Many other combos with Kobold to gain board control (also affects bflurry!). Rogue doesn’t have much trouble with board control due to backstabs, bflurry, sap, etc. So I don’t see much point in having a second Violet Teacher
Never hurts to have extra Spell Damage up your sleeve
Yep, as Roadkill said, Kobold Geomancer is the best replacement for Thalnos.
That spell damage makes this card quite good and the low cost allows you to easily deal more damage with your removals. For example, I run a Geomancer in my Mid Druid deck, just because I want a faster empowered Swipe.
i dont have a violet teacher, with what can i replace that?
Second Earthen Ring Farseer or an Edwin VanCleef.
With what can i replace Loatheb?
Second Violet Teacher.
Its the most fun and inteligent deck. I am using Van cleef and BGH and it’s working so far
what card can I remove to put Edwin?
You could try this list:
I only got 1 prep what can I replace for the second one?
Second Violet Teacher or Earthen Ring Farseer. It will be difficult to play this deck with one prep though.
I will craft the second one as fast as I can thx
I saw some other alternatives and I think BGH actually fits this deck quite well, I kind of replaced thalnos for it even though I didn’t have that card in the first place. Especially in control heavy metas, BGH can save you a sap or maybe even an oil to provide a better chance for u to lethal your opponent. I find the spell damage for thalnos often neglect-able and the card draw in this deck is quite enough with the 2 azure drakes and 2 sprints.
I think the problem is that Thalnos costs just 1 coin and it gives you spell damage which you need and sometimes just one spell damage can save your win. Azure drakes are really expensive and you almost can’t play anything else that turn which is problem. Thalnos also gives you a card and it is very good think, cuz this deck is built in this way that you need maybe 4 – 5 cards to make a combo.
But on the otherside, BGH can save your sap, you are right, but i don’t know, in my opinion it has not so big value as Thalnos.
Thalnos is way to good in this deck. As I wrote above, you can replace it with a Geomancer until you can craft him.
The idea to replace a Sap with BGH is really tempting. I mean, BGH can be better in some cases than the Sap. For example, would you prefer to sap or to BGH a Dr. Boom? :D. Nice idea, man.
Isn’t this deck supposed to be better with more Paladin? I wonder why it’s rated so low by TempoStorm :/. Shame, it looks like such an interesting deck to play.
It was supposed to be! I think it’s not great against Druid which is why it’s less popular.
Even if it’s less popular, Tier 3 (just managing to escape Thrall’s homeland, Tier 4) is pretty harsh, for a deck that is good against the most used class in constructed.
This is a tier one deck if u know how to run it. Druid is a 50/50 gotta bust ur combo before they bust theirs, the deck isnt weak it is the player that makes the deck
Replacement for Blade Flurry?
None, you absolutely need that card.
Can i use an assasin blade instead of having to fan of knives ?
I wouldn’t do that. Paladin is one of the most popular decks, and Fan of Knives is a great counter to Muster for Battle.
And Facehunter. And Zoo Warlock. Its solid all around really.
Fan of Knives also gives you a bonus card.
I don’t really like the Assassin’s Blade because you need to have a weapon with not that much durability in order to activate the attack – Blade Flurry combo. Also, Assassin’s Blade is kinda slow because you have to attack 2 times before you can combo and it’s also a nice target to Harrison Jones.
With what can i replace Bloodmage Thalnos?
Kobold Geomancer.
i use this deck for a long time . first i replaced thalnos for kobold geomercer.Then i replaced loatheb for emperor thaurissan , i took bucaneer instead of southsea deckhand , and i replaced the second sprint for assassins blade
And is it better ?
I teched out Loatheb for an Assassin’s Blade. It allows me to win more control matchups but I still struggle vs aggro decks. Has anyone else tried tinkering with other weapons such as perdition’s or poisoned?
Can this deck get legend?
Yes, but it would be quite difficult. It’s in a tough spot in the meta right now. If you’re not advanced in this game, I don’t recommend that you craft this deck.
All decks can get Legend with a high enough win-rate.
You cant replace blade flurry and geomancer is a very weak replacement for thalanos, thalanos is a tech card it can either strengthen a spell or help you draw down into your deck. Vancleef loatheb earthen ring those are the cards you could tech out safely although the deck will get slightly weaker
Geomancer strengthens spell, too. Thalnos is only superior for his card draw, which is more essential to Oil Rogue than the bonus +1/+1 the Geomancer has.
I wouldn’t consider Loatheb a card to be replaced because it gives you a little chance to win against aggro decks, which are the most difficult for Oil Rogue.