If you’re curious what Midrange Hunter looks like post-TGT then Jab has the list for you. The deck is largely unchanged, but with one notable addition: Argent Horserider. The card contests the board early and fills out your curve. It also benefits from being difficult to remove allowing you to get 2 for 1s or multiple hits to the face. The rest of the deck is pretty standard and plays like before. You really want to be playing cards on curve, and at some point during the game you turn your attention from the board to their face!
Jab’s Season 18 TGT Midrange Hunter
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Fabulous deck. Thank you very much!
I swap a Horserider (great idea to include this guy!) for a King’s Elekk. For one more beast and a bit more potential of draw, as well as for another possibility to deal quickly with the large amount of 3 health dangerous early minions such as Mana Wyrm, Knife juggler, Darnassus Aspirant, etc. … and also because I LOVE this card, and not to have it would make me sad. :p
For now it works very well (rank 10 to 7 with only one defeat). ^^
Yeah, the RNG in this game hates me too. I’ve probably played 15 or so games with King’s Elekk and its only drawn me a card twice. it almost ALWAYS will find a 1 or 2 drop for me, and the opponents Ysera/Dr Boom for them.
Pay attention to you curve friend, you’re almost guaranteed to lose every joust, but a 3/2 beast for 2 isn’t awful and it has synergy with cards like Hound Master…a potential turn 6 5/4 taunt beast and a 4/3 for 6 mana that potentially draws you a turn 7 boom or highmane (at 6 and 7 mana they’re likely to win) it feels great.
A 3/2 for 2 isn’t that bad, being a beast makes it better, and even the CHANCE of drawing a minion card is insane.
This deck is really strong! The Argent Horseriders are actually pretty solid. I have gotten them to usually go 2 for 1, and you can also combo them with knife juggler to have a change to kill a 3 attack minion. In addition, they are also cards you can draw for extra damage at the end if need be. Pretty strong. Everything else is standard but very good/well thought. Deck performs nicely on ladder. Wins in bunches.
No Ram Wrangler / King’s Elekk
My MR hunter has ram wrangler and king’s elekk but been getting really bad luck, gonna try this one it looks more stable
If you want to play a King Elekk version, you have to swap Knife Juggler for him and run more 4+ drops. This makes your control Matchups stronger, but your Paladin & Hunter mirrors weaker.
-2 Knife Juggler
-2 Argent Horserider
+2 King’s Elekk
+1 Piloted Shredder
+1 Ram Wrangler/Stranglethorn Tiger/Sludge Belcher