This is very similar to Midrange Hunter, but with that Desert Camel twist. If you get a 2/4 Injured Kvaldir and they draw a blank or something you can deal with then you’ll be sitting pretty! There’s also the great synergy of Cult Master and Unleash the Hounds, which is especially good against all the Warlock Zoo that’s running around!
Update: +2 Glaivezooka, +2 Flame Juggler, +1 Sludge Belcher, -2 Freezing Trap, -1 Snake Trap, -2 Mad Scientist
J4ckie removed the secret package, and added a bit more early game firepower!
Why Flame Juggler? Why not Kill comand or smthing else?
Im using this deck but combine it with rattle minions + feign death. I love it when camels pulls Baron rivendare. Not the most competative but loads of fun. Baron + Sylvanas + Feign death on handlock is the best combo Ive ever had
Nvm see that I mixed it up with hobgoblin, oh well
Any replacement for Flame juggler? Scavenging Hyena sounds good..?
I’d go Huge Toad or King’s Elekk.
why kvaldir instead of leper gnome
Because the combo is Desert camel pulling out Kvaldir as a 1 mana 2/4
What’s Mulligan?
What about a replacement for knife juggler?
Flame Juggler.
what about using an Ironbeak Owl to silence taunt minions?
Probably to replace a webspinner
Seeing as Sludge is on the way out for Standard play what would you put in it’s place? Sunwalker? Sen’jen? Something else?
2 Hunters Mark…you do not need any Owl.
Replacement for Desert Camel and is it worth without it ?
The deck is built around using it, so I’d just play a standard Midrange Hunter:
This is Brostormd’s decklist from NA with minor changes from last season
Replacement for snake trap?
Bear Trap or Explosive Trap.