it is a 1 drop 2/3 better for board presence and ability to clear, when they probably wont get much benefit from the 5 health as opposed to taking out most things they drop turn 1 or 2 along with it having 3 health and probably living
Looking at this list I know Greenskin has synergy with the deck, but if you are having problems with warriors replacing him with Harrison could be helpful
From my experience this deck is very weak to control and patron warrior. Makes it rather difficult to ladder with. I’m 5 and 5 with it, all 5 losses are to warrior.
Wow! I have never had so much fun in hearthstone before! it is just so much fun and it actually works just fine to climb ladder with! I really love this deck and i have tried it a little bit in ranked and I have like a 50% win with this deck since i am rank 2 (not legend) but i definately recomend trying this deck out and give it some time to master master it perfectly and you should atleast get rank 5 with it
What’s the rationale for putting a zombie chow in place of a second southsea deckhand? I’m finding that I always benefit from having 2 of them
it is a 1 drop 2/3 better for board presence and ability to clear, when they probably wont get much benefit from the 5 health as opposed to taking out most things they drop turn 1 or 2 along with it having 3 health and probably living
I’d need a sub for Sylvanas, if possible
Looking at this list I know Greenskin has synergy with the deck, but if you are having problems with warriors replacing him with Harrison could be helpful
From my experience this deck is very weak to control and patron warrior. Makes it rather difficult to ladder with. I’m 5 and 5 with it, all 5 losses are to warrior.
Need a sub for greenskin
Loatheb, Emperor Thaurissan, or Piloted Shredder.
Really enjoyed having some victories after getting wiped in the arena repeatedly- also learned a lot about the game in the process. Thanks!
Wow! I have never had so much fun in hearthstone before! it is just so much fun and it actually works just fine to climb ladder with! I really love this deck and i have tried it a little bit in ranked and I have like a 50% win with this deck since i am rank 2 (not legend) but i definately recomend trying this deck out and give it some time to master master it perfectly and you should atleast get rank 5 with it
Wow, this deck is actually great. Definitely catches people off-guard. Been ranking up with this bad boy.