Midrange doesn’t have a chance against this. You are going to be launching fireballs at anything that moves around turn 5 and killing them on turns 6-9. They don’t have enough enough preasure to stop that.
This can beat aggro too if you play tight And muligan aggressively. Plague swarm makes a wall of taunt.
but whats the point ? if u play malygos at 9 mana , u can still play Taldaram at 10 mana for +10 Spell dmg combo instead of playing Kun and then do all that
i guess its more like a free 7/7 -> refresh crystals -> Ultimate Infestation ( or sthing else ) so you’ll have a better board while also you draw 5 cards ( setting up lethal ) , deal 5 DMG and gain 5 Armor .
Next Turn he is dead .
Well half the time they just die to mediv+ infestation or plague. Honestly it’s probably there to cheese out the priests and mages that can’t really stop it.
Any druid deck is viable for ladder, I played almost the exact same deck to rank 5 last season. But perhaps it won’t work below that, I wouldn’t know.
Fun deck. Not for ladder for sure. Any aggro / midrange competitive deck will send this into oblivion
Midrange doesn’t have a chance against this. You are going to be launching fireballs at anything that moves around turn 5 and killing them on turns 6-9. They don’t have enough enough preasure to stop that.
This can beat aggro too if you play tight And muligan aggressively. Plague swarm makes a wall of taunt.
Can i play one faceless manipulator instead of the prince
No. You won’t get the OTK.
IF you don’t have the prince, then jade druid is probably a better bet.
What is kun for in this, just a free 7/7?
It’s to play after you play malygos so you can use prince taldaram to copy malygos for +10 spell damage
You can do that without Kun TBH
but whats the point ? if u play malygos at 9 mana , u can still play Taldaram at 10 mana for +10 Spell dmg combo instead of playing Kun and then do all that
i guess its more like a free 7/7 -> refresh crystals -> Ultimate Infestation ( or sthing else ) so you’ll have a better board while also you draw 5 cards ( setting up lethal ) , deal 5 DMG and gain 5 Armor .
Next Turn he is dead .
It is for malygos+innvervate + prince + moonfire x 2 combo
Possibly 20 burst damage in a single turn but i don’t think it’s a very reliable plan to win.
Well half the time they just die to mediv+ infestation or plague. Honestly it’s probably there to cheese out the priests and mages that can’t really stop it.