Our Exodia Mage deck list guide will teach you how to navigate through the challenging turns of this skill-intensive deck! This guide features mulligan, play, and card replacement strategies!
Introduction to Exodia Mage
Exodia Mage is a deck that borrows its name from a Yu-Gi-Oh, in which assembling the pieces of a combo results in immediate victory.

In Hearthstone, Exodia Mage has a very similar game plan. By gathering 2x Sorcerer's Apprentices, 2x Molten Reflections, and Archmage Antonidas, the deck is capable of hurling an infinite number of Fireballs at the opponent’s face.
In order to reach the Exodia turn, the deck must be able to survive the onslaught of damage coming its way. As a result, several survivability tools, such as board Freezes, Doomsayers, and defensive Secrets, are included.
The Exodia combo actually requires two turns worth of mana to pull off. To account for this, the deck takes advantage of the extra turn granted by completion of Open the Waygate. Completing the quest requires you to play six spells that did not start in your deck, so the deck runs a handful of Spell Generation cards in addition to the combo pieces and Defensive Tools.
New Frozen Throne Card Additions
With the Knights of the Frozen Throne release, [card_linkname=”Simulacrum”] offers the ability to more consistently assemble the combo by copying a Sorcerer's Apprentice that could otherwise be hiding in the bottom few cards.
Ghastly Conjurer provides another spell generation tool that also provides additional survivability. The card doesn’t quite make the cut in this list, however, due to the mana cost associated with it and the full board it can generate against decks that don’t rely on minion damage.
Update – Exodia Quest Mage – February 2018
Kobolds and Catacombs did not help this deck very much. You can consider running an Arcane Artificer in the list, but other than that there’s no big upgrades for this archetype. This deck should only really be played if you enjoy the concept, otherwise it’s going to be very difficult unless you are particularly skilled with it.
Exodia Mage Card Choices
Exodia Combo
- Open the Waygate – Despite the spell-cost reducing effects of Sorcerer's Apprentice, infinite Fireballs isn’t achievable without the extra turn the Mage quest provides. As a result, Time Warp is a necessary component to the combo.
- Sorcerer's Apprentice – To go infinite, you need four Apprentices in play at a time in order to reduce the cost of Fireball to zero.
- Molten Reflection – Unfortunately, you can’t run four copies of Sorcerer's Apprentices in your deck. Two Molten Reflections lets you clone the minion twice, effectively creating the third and fourth copies.
- Simulacrum – What’s better than four copies of Sorcerer's Apprentice? That’s right, five. Simulacrum allows for preemptive copying and the ability to play both Cabalist's Tome and Time Warp for free to finish the quest as you combo out.
- Archmage Antonidas – Uncle Tony is the source of your firepower and the last piece to the Exodia Combo.
Card Cycle
- Novice Engineer – Minion Damage is largely irrelevant in Exodia Mage, so the immediate draw from Engineer makes it superior to Loot Hoarder.
- Arcanologist – Controlled draw is insanely powerful. Arcanologists means more consistent drawing of Secrets without having to keep them in your opener.
- Arcane Intellect – An efficient draw spell for three mana. This card gets you deeper into your deck and closer to your combo.
- Coldlight Oracle – While giving your opponent cards should give you hesitation, the immediate nature of a Battlecry gives Coldlight the nod over the slower Acolyte of Pain.
Defensive Tools

- Doomsayer – At worst, Doomsayer heals for seven or wastes an opponent’s turn on removal. When you can trigger the effect, it cleans the board and sets up your card cycle turns.
- Frost Nova – Board freezes can buy you time against decks that rely on minion damage. In some cases, it can set up a Doomsayer or provide you with an extra turn to survive.
- Ice Block – With few options for interacting with the board, you’re likely going to die. Good news! Ice Block will give you an extra life or two (or three). This means another turn closer to comboing.
- Ice Barrier – For three mana, gaining eight life is pretty good. What makes it better, is being able to fetch it from Arcanologist making the card draw engine more consistent.
- Blizzard – More expensive than Frost Nova, but effectively serves the same purpose. If you can consistently Freeze opposing minions, it doesn’t matter if they survive the two damage.
Spell Generators
- Babbling Book – A turn one play that’s better in many matches than just dropping the quest. The variance of the spell generating can be rough, but frequently serves a good purpose in this deck.
- Primordial Glyph – The flexibility of this card makes it an auto include in nearly every Mage deck. In Exodia Mage, however, it also helps enable the quest.
- Cabalist's Tome – One card that grants three extra spells. If you have the time/mana to play them, you’re halfway done with the quest.
Exodia Mage Mulligan Strategy & Guide
The mulligan section into two parts – against fast decks and against slow decks. Fast decks are generally the Aggro decks (e.g. Pirate Warrior) or high tempo Midrange decks (e.g. Midrange Hunter). Slow decks are slower Midrange and Control decks.
In any matchup, you want to avoid starting the game with combo pieces. While putting together the combo is key to victory, the card you want are those that either generate spells, draw cards, or keep you alive. The deck has more than enough cycle to put the combo together by the time you have enough mana to play it.
Higher Priority (keep every time):
- Open the Waygate – Even against aggro decks, you still need to win the game. You won’t necessarily play this on turn one, but you should always keep it.
- Babbling Book – Book is a better turn one play than the quest and generates a spell to get you closer to completion.
- Arcanologist – Early Arcanologists are important not only because of the body they provide, but the fact that they fetch Secrets from your deck. Secrets are important defensive tools, but you don’t want to be top decking them as the game goes on.
- Doomsayer – This card can clear a full board with Frost Nova or just halt your opponent’s development in early turns.
- Primordial Glyph– Glyph generates spells but can also find additional defensive tools. Prioritize spells that buy you time such as Frost Nova and Ice Block.
- Frost Nova – Against board-centric decks, freezing all minions can effectively buy you an extra turn, keeping you alive long enough to reach your combo turns.
Lower Priority (keep only if certain conditions are met):
- Novice Engineer – Card draw is critical to assembling the combo, but the weak body doesn’t do much against fast decks. You can keep Engineer with other defensive tools, but you’d rather have Arcanologists.
- Arcane Intellect – Similarly, Arcane Intellect doesn’t help you much against Aggro, but when facing decks that take a bit more time to develop the board, drawing cards on turn 3 is a fine play.
- Coldlight Oracle – Against hyper-aggressive decks, you really don’t want to give your opponent cards. However, with enough defensive tools, your deck can sometimes benefit from the extra cards a little more.
Higher Priority (keep every time):
- Open the Waygate – Not much to say here. The quest should always be kept.
- Babbling Book – Even against slow decks, Babbling Book gives you something to do on turn one and generates a spell.
- Arcanologist – Drawing a Secret from your deck on turn two means you won’t draw it later in the game.
- Novice Engineer – While Arcanologist on turn two is still preferred, if you’re not expecting much pressure Novice is a good option.
- Primordial Glyph – Glyph is always a reasonable keep because it gets you closer to quest completion and find answers.
- Arcane Intellect – Slower decks give you more time in the early game to draw cards, so AI should be kept in these matches as a viable turn 3 play.
Lower Priority (keep only if certain conditions are met):
- Doomsayer – Against decks reliant on minion damage, Doomsayer can still be valuable but less so than in aggro matches.
- Frost Nova – Likewise, Frost Nova can halt a board full of large minions, but you don’t want it as early against slower decks.
- Coldlight Oracle – Coldlight Oracle tend to be a better keep in slower matches but giving any deck cards in the early game is never ideal.
Exodia Mage Play Strategy
Vs Aggro
Aggressive decks can lead to stressful games for an Exodia Mage player. Here, the goal is to survive as long as possible. This means that defensive tools are prioritized in the mulligan.
A Doomsayer on turn two can be an effective stall tactic. Don’t feel obligated to pair it with Frost Nova if you can find a spot to get it to trigger early. Sometimes, even healing for seven with the card is worth it.
Arcanologist can challenge early game minions and fetch an Ice Block or Ice Barrier to buy you an extra turn. The fetched Secret doesn’t need to be played on turn three, but it does give you the option to do so.
With Primordial Glyph Discovers, you want to prioritize defensive tools over card cycle. Low-cost burn spells, such as Frostbolt, can be huge finds. A third Ice Block is never a bad choice and a one mana Frost Nova gives you some flexibility in your Freeze turns.
The timing of Frost Nova is often critical. Ideally, it will be paired with a Doomsayer, but even without wiping the board, the card should buy you at least one additional turn.
In aggro matchups, you may run out of turns and have to go for the combo before you have it full assembled. This may mean relying on playable spells with Cabalist's Tome.
Vs Control
Control matchups tend to be where Exodia Mage shines. If the opponent isn’t putting out much pressure, there is more time to cycle and make progress on the quest.
Here, you want to draw cards early to dig through your deck and begin piecing together the combo. Arcanologist on turn two is still preferred because it improves your draws later on, but Novice Engineer and Arcane Intellect are helpful in these matches.
With Primordial Glyph Discovers, you want to prioritize finding more card cycling options or single-target removal. Another Arcane Intellect is great, but a Meteor or Polymorph may be more necessary.
Drawing too many cards can eventually become a liability, however. Make sure that you’re planning ahead for card cycle and Cabalist's Tome turns to avoid overdrawing and/or burning the quest reward. Alternate between adding cards to your hand and dumping them into play when you can. In matchups where board Freezing isn’t necessary, you can toss away Frost Novas to make room in your hand.
Frost Nova can still be an important card against certain decks, but you can often be more patient with it and use it in conjunction with Doomsayer. Against Jade or Token decks, you may not actually want to wipe the board if you can keep a full board of small minions frozen for multiple turns.
Exodia Mage General Tips
Below are some General Tips for piloting this deck.
- Unlike most quests, you don’t need to play Open the Waygate on turn one. Curving out with Babbling Book, into Arcanologist and Arcane Intellect is perfectly reasonable.
- The Coin counts towards your quest completion. Make sure the quest is in play before using The Coin.
- Remember that a playable spell must be saved to generate Fireballs from Archmage Antonidas.
- The deck wants to cycle cards as quickly as possible, but hand size often becomes an issue. Keep an eye on how many cards are currently in your hand and will be in hand after a draw. Take turns to empty your hand when necessary.
- If you’re close to the combo or have it ready, don’t be afraid to let your Ice Block get popped. Especially true in situations where you run out of stall mechanics and just need a one or two more cards.
- Always know what cards are remaining in your deck. Frequently, you are guaranteed to draw into a lethal combo when there are few cards remaining.
- Remember that you draw an additional card on your Extra Turn. This can be both a benefit and a disaster. Often, it means you’re certain to finish your combo. Other times, it could mean you take Fatigue damage and lose the game.
- Do NOT play Simulacrum with Babbling Book, Novice Engineer, or Doomsayer in hand. You want to guarantee the copy on Apprentice.
- Sorcerer's Apprentices are able to attack in during the extra turn. If you don’t have the full infinite combo (i.e, short a Molten Reflection), calculate the minion damage to check for lethal.
- If you get a read your opponent may be playing Dirty Rat in their deck, hold at least one minion to protect your combo pieces.
Exodia Mage Combos
Even with the combo fully assembled, the correct sequencing is important. The section below will help you navigate through challenging combo turns.
This baseline Exodia Mage combo requires 9 mana and the quest to be completed before going in. The sequence is:
2x Sorcerer's Apprentice (4) + 1x Molten Reflection (2) + Time Warp (2) = 8 mana
Archmage Antonidas (7) + 1x Molten Reflection (1) + ∞ Fireballs (0) = 8 mana
With a playable spell of six mana or less in hand, the quest can be completed requiring only 8 mana. The sequence here is:
2x Sorcerer's Apprentice (4) + 2x Molten Reflection (3) + Time Warp (1) = 8 mana
Archmage Antonidas (7) + 1x Playable Spell (X) + ∞ Fireballs (0) = 7 + X mana
In situations where you’re out of turns to stall, Simulacrum enables the opportunity to complete the quest as you’re going in on the combo in a last ditch effort of sorts.
If you’ve copied a Sorcerer's Apprentice earlier in the game, the sequence is:
3x Sorcerer's Apprentice (6) + 2x Molten Reflection (1) + 1x Cabalist's Tome (0) + Generated Spells (< 3 mana TOTAL) + Time Warp (0) = 10 mana
Archmage Antonidas (7) + 1x Playable Spell (X) + ∞ Fireballs (0) = 7 + X mana
If you haven’t copied a Sorcerer's Apprentice, the sequence would be:
1x Sorcerer's Apprentice (2) + 1x Simulacrum (2) + 2x Sorcerer's Apprentice (4) + 2x Molten Reflection (1) + 1x Cabalist's Tome (0) + Generated Spells (< 1 mana TOTAL) + Time Warp (0) = 10 mana
Archmage Antonidas (7) + 1x Playable Spell (X) + ∞ Fireballs (0) = 7 + X mana
Exodia Mage Card Substitutions
Unfortunately, there aren’t many compromises this deck can make for the sake of budget. Both Legendaries (Open the Waygate and Archmage Antonidas) are required for the deck’s win condition. Likewise, Ice Block and Cabalist's Tome are critical to the deck’s game plan.
- If you have the quest but are lacking Archmage Antonidas, you may be able to put together the Giants Variant of the deck, which plays a little differently and may also be able to benefit from the addition of Simulacrum from Knights of the Frozen Throne.
- Simulacrum accelerates the combo and increases the consistency of the Exodia combo. While it makes the deck stronger, it can be replaced with either Ghastly Conjurer or a second Ice Barrier.
- It might be possible to get by with one Cabalist's Tome. The missing copy can be replaced with Ghastly Conjurer to help with quest completion.
Anti aggro build:
-2 Book +2 Conjurer
-2 Seer -1 Barrier
+2 Loot Hoarder +1 Thalnos
You can always clear your own board too with Doomsayer + Frost Nova!
good news exodia doesn’t need the quest anymore:
2Xsimulacrum on one sorcerer aprentice
reduce their cost by 2 with the new spell that reduces the cost of cards that did not start in your hand
when you have 10 mana :
Antonidas ; Sorcerer’s Apprentice that costs 2 than the ones that cost 0; molten reflection=>Infinite fireboll
can u update the list. coz now this deck can be played without quest
Even though you can do the combo without the quest, the quest version is more consistent, as you don’t need to not only find more cards but you also don’t need to play them in a specific order and doesn’t need the turn of setting up your 0 cost Apprentices.
If you play this deck, off yourself.
Aww but its soo fun
It’s not op idk why you’re salty. It takes a lot of skill and thought which is why so many players, most notably legend players, like it.
I still don’t understand why u ever keep novice in the mulligan. U just effectively substituting it with another card (you could do it in mulligan) loosing 2 mana and playing negligible 1/1. It is ok if you don’t have a turn two play but otherwise it’s just doesn’t make sense. You could say it’s not only substituting card but makes ur deck thinner. But it’s not an early game card. It’s better to draw it in the later stage when you have more mana to spare. Or even better when u don’t draw it. Big difference between novice and arcane intellect, oracle is they not only substitute itself but draw an extra card.
To prove my point I can even refer to statistics: if u have it after mulligan u have lower than average chance to win. And it is actually third worst card to play after the quest and iceblock. Quest doesn’t count because you almost always play it. You obviously play iceblock only when you’re in a bad spot already or have nothing better to do. So Novice Engineer is a bad card to keep. Not telling you should cut it thought.
it effectively thinks your deck out and in the long run makes u assemble exodia faster… of course suriving by playing arcanologists, a secret and then vallets is the best vs any kind of aggro thats why i would never keep it (arcanologist also thinks your deck and thats why u should mulligan for him every time)
is it logical to keep the exodia parts in your hand in the start or is it a waste to keep them in your hand
As mentioned in the Mulligan section, you typically want to pitch away combo pieces in lieu of cycle, defensive tools, and card generators.
It’s important to get deep into your deck, complete the quest, and stay alive. Doing so sets up the win condition better than holding the combo pieces.
I feel like this deck got a whole lot worse with KFT update
Im climbing very easy right now with this deck, it’s so easy to beat druid not even funny. Well it kind of is lol! I made some variations, i dont play coldlights but i started rank 16 today and now down to 11 its fun thanks broo
You’re welcome! Glad it’s working out for you. When the nerfs go live two of the worse match ups for the deck are going to be hit pretty hard, so it may be in a good place.
Dont play this deck as of now 11th of september.I played it before KFT and it atleast had a 50% or more winrate,now im 0-8.you dont even get to pull of nova doomsayer because how fast decks are and ur doomsayer gets killed even on turn 1 with coin
I went from almost rank 2 to 4 with no stars.
For real? I have near 100% winrate vs priest and druid. With so many priest and druids (about 50%-60% of my matchups) this deck is doing amazing.
I dusted all my stuff i had to craft this deck and got 10 lost games and no win, lol. (kill me)
Exodia Mage is not a simple deck to play. You have to think and plan ahead a lot more as is common with combo decks. There is a learning curve simply put. Losing 10 consecutive games is pretty big, you either got really unlucky with match-ups, unlucky draw sequences/discovers (one game I was 1 card away from completing quest and my Cabalist’s Tome gave me 3x Volcanic Potions but I had my Sorcerer’s Apprentices on board already), or you didn’t understand how to play the deck well enough.
From my own data, Rogue, Priest, Druid, and Warlock are very favorable matchups and my data shows I see these about 65% of the time combined and have about a 80% winrate vs these classes. Paladin, and Warrior is about 50% winrate. Shaman, Hunter, and Mage are my worst match-ups but I see them very little. Shaman and Hunter just deal so much dmg so fast you cant assemble combo. With Mage they have Ice Block so you just about auto-lose. With Mage the most effective tactic I have found is try to stall them long enough to draw through their deck so that when you go off, you leave them at 1 HP and then pass turn for fatigue kill. If I am seeing TONS of bad match-ups I simply switch decks.
Get to one of the rank checkpoints and then practice playing this deck so you can learn without worrying about losing stars.
Ok, at first I didn’t think much of this deck, my winrate with it was abysmal to say the least. After reading the guide, watching streams and some practice I managed to bring it to its full potential, this deck is amazing!
Glad to hear the guide helped! The deck does take some time to learn. Early on, my win rate was pretty poor and I burned some cards more times than I’d like to admit.
No problem! What do you think about keeping Antonidas in your starting hand? Feels like it’s in the bottom 5 cards of my deck nearly 30% of the time. Pretty annoying at times really. Thanks again for the deck!
It’s tempting to keep combo pieces in the opener for the reason you mentioned, but it’s better to search for cards that you can play in the early turns. The deck has enough cycle that it can get to Antonidas in time, even if it doesn’t seem like it sometimes.
This deck has been so much fun to play, if you don’t have simulacrum you can sub in ghastly conjurer but its not as good. Its very rewarding to play this deck as finding lethal outside of the exodia combo is also enjoyable. Aggro match ups are annoying but with some miracles you can make it, I just out lasted a hunter by just freezing over and over to protect my apprentices onboard until I was able to just burn him down with Uncle Tony. Very fun thinking deck even though I feel bad for my opponents as I’m not really interacting with them lol. so far 16-4 with it from ranks 13 to 7
Great work! Sounds like you’re doing well with the deck. I agree, it’s a very challenging and rewarding deck to play. It was definitely some of the most fun I’ve had researching a guide for this site!
Also, I find a lot of priests got your ice block and jade druid got secret eater, rogue got ice block or spellbinder with the 1/1 pirate. Only win to a warlock or control warrior which I met only 1 in the past 4 days. Paladin’s Murloc can be buffed fast enough that you either pop ice block too fast or just kill your doomsayer, they usually have a strong board by turn 4 with some secrets. Hunter just hit ur face without caring anything, basically turn 6 he will pop your first ice block and his hero power won’t trigger ice barrier.
Just curious when is this deck at upper hand? We can always pray on perfect hands.
This deck does quite well against any deck that allows it to set up. Usually it has a poor match up against aggro, but does well against control decks or Jade Druid. (If Jade Druid is running Eater of Secrets, they’ll be punished for doing so in other match ups.)
Perfect hands help, but the deck draws so many cards, you can often assemble tools you need quickly even with bad hands.
It basically auto lose when again murloc knight or aggro druid which are a lot of them om ladder
-1 blizzard
-1 tome
+2 shimmering tempest
Best for me, shimmering tempest create bodies early game and can give you a potentially great card early game if needed.
-2 shimmering tempest
+1 Bloodmage Thalnos
+1 tome
Didn’t get enough card draw and 2 drop thalnos is better than acolyte. I found if I play acolyte and ping they can make me over draw since I usually had a big hand.
I’m not a fan of Acolyte in these lists either. It’s a little too slow for my liking and, as you mentioned, can be a bit of a liability at times.
i’m using 1 cabalist courier insted of bibling book
I think its not bad in some cases to copy doomsayer with Simulacrum
I think you’re probably right, especially in aggro match ups. As with most rules, there are exceptions. I may have worded that part with little too much finality.
the success of this deck is too dependant of the position of the combo cards on the deck. The spell that generates extra spells for the quest are too few. Basically, if two of your key cards (Apprendice/Antonidas/Molten Reflection/Cabalist Tome/Simulacro) are on the lbottom of the deck I found that is quite impossible to win the game. Maybe I’m missing something, but at the moment my win rate with this deck is very low.
Thanks anyway for the good guide.
This is true of any combo deck in card games. The deck tries to gain more consistency by balancing card cycle with defensive tools to get the combo in place, but it’s a fine line to walk. The deck has a lot of polarizing match ups that could be contributing to your win rate.
Regarding the quest competition, sometimes you have to rely on the cards you get from Cabalist’s Tome as you’re going in with the Sorcerer’s Apprentices to complete the question (see the second two combo sequences). I found that my win rate increased significantly when I started making use of those in situations where I was out of turns.
This deck is just as hard to play as ever it’s a very difficult task trying to get the quest completed. Most of the time you end up over drawing your hand or you’ll never draw the cards you need. Not a fun deck to play at all
Personally, I enjoy the challenge of balancing hand and resource management. It’s certainly not an easy deck to play, but it does feel rewarding when you can make it work.
I agree the quest can be a bit of a tough task to accomplish but, at the moment at least, the top decks (Druid and Priest) usually give you plenty of time to get it done. If aggro returns in popularity, it may not find as much success.
Guaranteed loss vs any aggro deck sadly
Aggro is a pretty rogue match up. Fortunately, it does really well against Druids (aside from Aggro) and Priests, both of which are very popular right now.
Agree. You win allmost any druid matchups and the prist is a guaranteed. Some few priest players concede when you play the quest, and thats on rank 2! .
Aggro is tough, but definitely not a loss, more like af 50/50.
I am now 12-7 against pirates, 6-6 on shaman, but 1-9 against paladins. That is the absolute worst matchup with this deck, in my opinion. The deck is really hard to master though, no doubt about that!
This decck is great! I play a slightly different version myself. (Ghastly conjurer instead of books)
And it got me from rank 6 to 3 currently.
Evident – the verry first sequence is a bit wrong. 2x apprentice (4) + 1molten (2) + timewarp (2) not 3 . total of (8) mana and not 9.
Thanks for the guide
Btw how do i EVER win against any mage with blocks, without eater of secrets ?
The mirror is fine, but control, freeze and secret mage is a nightmare.
– Cridn
You don’t play the combo like normal. You run out arch mage without the combo and pray to the 7 divines he lives. After you pop the first block use your apprentices to time warp and pop second ice block. Then fire blast next turn.
Or you could proceed like normal but make sure to make many extra fireballs.
Rule of thumb when playing against block is get them down to 1 before popping it so you can get their next one with your power. If you’ve warped, use your free fireballs to clear taunts and minions and attack with apprentices accordingly. Maybe save a counterspell to set up for their next block. It takes some finessing but it can be done.
I liked Ghastly Conjurers initially when I was testing, but found them a little slow. I might have to try them some more though, especially if I’m running into more aggressive decks.
Good catch on the sequence! That’s my bad and it’s now been fixed.
I do play this deck since the beginning of its release and I love playing it. The only thing I don’t get is the Simulacrum in the current meta. It only makes sense to play around double Dirty Rat from opponent.
Besides this, where is the real benefit? Isn’t it a waste of a useful cardslot?
I was hesitant about the card myself, but after some testing, it really performed well. Simulacrum works as another piece of the combo by copying Sorcerer’s Apprentice. This gives you a bit of flexibility in assembling the pieces because it can replace either Molten Reflection or the Sorcerer’s themselves.
Just a terrible deck. I followed this guide to a T and I am a cool 0-6
Get Gud
It is a combo fun deck. Certainly not top meta deck with a very high winrate.