This fight is super RNG heavy and annoying. There are ways to do this by allowing him to Mind Games the Majordomo Executus you placed in your deck with a bunch of spells, but this is the way I did it. You’re looking for Alexstrasza, Kel’thuzad, and Mind Control. You basically want to use Alexstrasza, hope he doesn’t kill it, and for you to either steal one of his minions with Mind Control or for you to get a beneficial trade turn with Kel’thuzad. Once you have tempo and Kel’thuzad on the board you should be good, but if he gets off Twisting Nether you’re probably going to have to concede.
I would recommend Onyxia and a second Piloted Sky Golem if you have them in your collection. The best cards are Alexstrasza, Kel’thuzad, Mind Control, and Sylvanas.