The Dragon Priest deck was toyed with once Blackrock Mountain came out, but the results were lackluster. The Grand Tournament brought along two key cards that have helped place the deck among the best in Hearthstone. Priest’s were pretty desperate for a two drop, and boy did they get a strong one with Wyrmrest Agent. The card trades very favorably against early minions, often getting two for ones while the Priest player can build up a board. Twilight Guardian is another strong anti-aggro card that is very difficult to remove with its six health. The deck is filled with Dragons, so the once rarely used Twilight Whelp has replaced the standard Zombie Chow. One notable card that is missing is Chillmaw. The card had a lot of hype coming into the new expansion, but it seems that a slightly upgraded Abomination is not as appealing as once thought.
Dragon Priest Update December 2015
Update: -1 Dragonkin Sorcerer, +1 Brann Bronzebeard
What can i replace voljin and brann?
And is it better to put lightbomb instead of one cultist and dr.boom instead of one shadow priest?
Thanks for the decklist
I’d go with a Lightbomb and maybe a Zombie Chow. You could also try a Chillmaw.
I am absolutely getting rekt with mill rouge with this deck. can any revisions be made?
Mill rogue counters control decks usually (priest, warlock, warrior). Thing is mill rogue sucks against aggro (shaman, hunter, paladin) and combo decks (druid, oil rogue) because you allow them to draw into their threats, so it is terrible on ladder. Can’t win them all mate!
I run a version with double chow to stop aggro and double entomb for control matchups. Climbed from 14 to rank 1 in a matter of few days. It seems pretty consistent. I can share it if you like.
Please I’d like the decklist
I would like to have that deck too, if I may.
I’d love to see it as well.
Dont have volkin or ysera can u list some possible replacements?
Thanks so much cool deck!
BGH and Nefarian.
I have LoEand all the expansions but no lightbombs and no Voljin but 1600 dust. Whats better to craft for a dragon preist? I have every other card. Also I wonder if theres is enough late-game in this deck? Ysera is amazing but almost all classes run hard removal. Would there be any room to run Chromaggus? Would Chromaggus be a good replacement for Voljin anyway?
Chromaggus can work for Vol’jin, but Vol’jin generally represents removal. So Big Game Hunter might actually be better in that spot. I would say Lightbomb is more important and versatile than Vol’jin. You will often see at least one Lightbomb in Control/Dragon Priest, but Vol’jin goes in and out of Priest decks.
I’ve tried both cards (Vol’jin and lightbomb) and definitely lightbomb is more versatile. Vol’jin only deals with one minion whereas lightbomb affects the whole board either with big or small minions. If meta is really heavy control oriented (which it is not), then Vol’jin fits better.
if i could only draw a dragon once in a while….
I completely agree with you. 7 dragons in a 30 card deck seems to make it too inconsistent for a dragon oriented deck. 9 should be the minimum
What do you think about Entomb and museum currator in this deck?
Also is this deck good vs control? What are the weaknesses of this deck list? How do you fare vs secret paladin?
They can fit in the deck for sure, you should check out Zetalot’s or Trump’s list: or
It’s a good deck, but it’s not great against Control. It can also be pretty draw dependent. I might consider trying out Control Priest.
this deck is just WAy too dependant on getting a dragon AND a good 1-2 drop/…. and often you cant even get a fucking 3 drop before turn 4… the deck was crafted for higher ranks so if you are facing the aggro rush face cancer pool that is ranks 20-10… good fucking luck.. i will stick with my faery dragons and double shadow madness
swear to god i put bronzebeard before this deck was update >:( works pretty well tho
Replacement for twilight guardian?
Maybe Twilight Drakes, but you’ll be very weak to aggro.
y so expensive?
replacement for voljin?
Big Game Hunter.
Hey, I was wondering if there is anything wrong in my deck:
Power Word Shield (2)
Northshire Cleric (2)
Twilight Whelp (2)
Shadow Pain (1)
Shadow Death (2)
Shrinkmeister (2)
Wymrest Agent (2)
Velen Chosen (2)
Blackwing Tech (2)
Dragonkin Sorcerer (1)
Twilight Guardian (2)
Holy Nova(1)
Azure Drake (2)
Blackwing Corruptor (2)
Lightbomb (1)
Cabal Shadow Priest (2)
Emperor and Nefarian
I feel like this is an older deck. Wondering if I should sub any, especially LoE. Also I feel like 1 Death is sufficient, though after experimenting I have not found a suitable sub.
I saw Kibler trying Entomb in his list, but I’m not sure how well it was doing. Your list seems pretty reasonable.
I love this deck, is it still really viable ? And why do you put two shadow word deaths and only one pain?
It’s still viable. Shadow Word: Pain is slow and you’d rather play a minion than a second one.
Thought about change the 2 Dark cultist with one lightbomb and one Dragonkin Sorcerer, lightbomb fit so well in this agro meta, i just can’t not take one, and one dragonkin just to add more dragon, i have some troubles to have one in some games.
Any thought/advice on that? Thanks =)
Happens to me all the time, played once game and I drew 18 cards before I got my first dragon, that’s my only downside to this deck
Do you think that entomb could find a place in this deck to help against control matchups? maybe instead of sw:d?
It might be a bit too slow, this is more of a tempo-y deck.
Thanks for the reply. You are right, now that i think about it, it would be a really slow card. I have just one other question. Do you think this deck is consistent enough with only the 7 dragons?
This is a fairly standard list so it should be consistent. I’m not sure it’s the greatest choice for the meta right now.
Is this deck more solid than Freeze Mage in this meta? I have more stuff for Freeze Mage (Alex, Ice Block, BURN), but this deck looks nice as well. I’m trying to see which to finish first, but I first want to know whether Dragon Priest is even worth it in this meta.
On a side note, can you fit Alex into this deck at all?
I think both decks are good right now. Freeze Mage looks to be ranked pretty highly in both meta rankings, so you might want to lean that way. I don’t think Alex fits in the Priest deck.
Thanks for the reply. Considering I have Reno and Forgotten Torch, I’ll buy the remaining 4 wings of BrM, and focus on Freeze Mage (but I’m almost done with it).
I was lucky enough to pack Confessor (!), she seems REALLY good, how does she fit in this deck?
She fits better in Control Priest I believe.
Hi, I’m missing some cards to complete the deck: CABAL SHADOW PRIEST, YSERA and TWILIGHT GUARDIAN, some of these cards can be replaced at the time? if so, what would be the best replacement?
Sorry for my english if is not good, im spanish -.-‘
Your English is fine! For Ysera, I would go with Chromaggus or Nefarian. Sylvanas and Loatheb for Cabal Shadow Priest. Twilight Guardian you could go with second Dragonkin Sorcerer and maybe a Twilight Drake or Volcanic Drake. You would really want another Dragon in that spot. You could also consider Sludge Belchers for the Cabal Shadow Priest spot because you’re missing out on the taunts from Twilight Guardian.
Now i have 1 Cabal and 1650 to buy Ysera or the 2 Twilight Guardian and 1 Cabal, what i have to buy first? maybe Ysera?
I think Twilight Guardian and Cabal are going to have more impact on the deck. I’m not sure what the best move is though.
I would surely think the guardian and cabal are more important for the deck. I have been playing this deck for a while now. Ysera is awesome of course, but it doesnt so often get played and if it does, i was usually winning anyway. If i wasnt winning, i often cant play it because i need to play other stuff to get in control of the game / survive first. The guardians and cabal on the other hands are cards that make you win against aggro or totally swing the game in your favor respectively.
If developing your card collection matters much to you, you could of course prefer crafting only legendaries instead.
is dragon priest control priest midrange pally or handlock stronger in the current meta?
Midrange Paladin is the strongest right now.
I run the same list -One dark cultist +1 sylvanus I’m 9-0
Any good replacements for Vol’jin?
Hey Evident, I started playing a couple of games with Priest recently, and I liked it. I have a couple of questions, though. Is this deck still a top deck? What are it’s favored and unfavored matchups? I know this might take a while, but the post will help me make my decision! Thank you so much :D.
Sorry for the delay! Dragon Priest is a solid deck, but it’s probably not in the top tier of decks. Midrange Druid, Patron Warrior, Secret Paladin, and Handlock are the top tier. Dragon Priest is a mid-tier deck that is perfectly capable of reaching legend. It’s weak against Handlock and is pretty even with the Patron Warrior and Secret Paladin. It also has a good matchup against Midrange Druid, so the deck is pretty solid as long as you don’t run into Handlock!
Lol, it’s like I have an addiction to questions now .-.
Anyways, I was watching Trump’s video on the Warsong Commander nerf, and he was just saying how the biggest winners are Secrets Paladin and Dragon Priest. I have 1070 dust available for crafting right now. Any advice on which one I should start playing? I’ve been playing less of constructed and more of Brawl recently, so I just want to know :P.
I personally like Dragon Priest, but if you like more aggressive decks then you should go with Secrets Paladin.
Do you think Secret Paladin will be better than Dragon Priest (overall) after the Warsong Commander nerf? I still have 1090 dust, I just don’t want to start a deck and then not follow through with it.
It just depends on how the rest of the meta shakes out. Dragon Priest might have a good matchup against Secret Paladin, but it might not have a good matchup against the rest of the field. Secret Paladin is probably going to be the number one deck on the ladder, so you’ll probably be safe playing that deck.
How about hunters running flare? Won’t that cripple Secrets Paladin? Also, if I choose to play Priest, what are the cards that I should craft first?
It’s true, Hunters running Flare could be an issue for Secret Paladin. I would try and get all the taunt cards like Wyrmrest Agent and Twilight Guardian. I would wait for Vol’jin, and I would sub in Nefarian or Chromaggus for Ysera for the time being. It’s important to have the majority of the Dragons or the deck just doesn’t work.
How much of an issue is flare for Secrets Paladin? As a former Miracle, and Patron player, I don’t really want the deck I play to get destroyed. Secrets Paladin looks awesome, but I don’t want to invest that much into it, and then it get nerfed. Anyways, would Dragon Priest be a better choice for that reason? Are both really inconsistent decks, like I’ve heard?
It will be an issue, but not every Hunter will play it, and you can still win games even if the Hunter plays Flare. I wouldn’t call either deck “really” inconsistent, but they can draw poorly because they rely on specific things to make them work. Secret Paladin doesn’t really want to draw into all of their secrets, and Dragon Priest requires you to have a Dragon in your hand to really work correctly. I wouldn’t worry about Secret Paladin getting nerfed for a while, it’s not as overpowered as Patron was and that took a long time to be changed.
It’s really hard to predict the future meta, so either deck will be solid and you should decide based on your play style. If you like more aggressive play then you should go with Paladin. If you like a more midrange-y defensive deck then Priest is better for you.
How can you play Vol’jin without Holy Smite?
You use one of your minions to clear the enemy minion.
also holy novas synergize well with him
Been playing this for a little bit now and the matchups against secret paladin and handlock are pretty bad IMO… would love to see some options against those decks…
I did swap out Vol’Jin for a Chillmaw… gives me an extra dragon and a decent drop against aggro… currently I’ve been seeing a LOT of aggro (facehunter, zoolock, etc) it’s also decent against Patron since it can actually kill their patrons if needed…
If ure trying to beat handlock pls put vol’jin back in.
The voljin is good to steal a high minion health like 7-7 and then take the enemy minion down with a low value minion
So it isn’t that this deck is bad. It is pretty good.the issue is it gets pretty much absolutely wrecked by secrets right now. I am craving a good priest deck because it is my favorite class to play. I don’t think this quite hits the mark. Maybe some refinements, and I do not understand the voljin in the deck. He is ok I guess but wouldn’t you rather almost have anything in your hand but him? Another shadow word pain? I tried him he didn’t really make me feel like I needed him. Let me know if I am missing something here.
Vol’Jin goes well with Holy Smite, that’s the reason why I play him. Also you can run your Twilight Welps into your opponent’s late game minions after you shrinked their health with Vol’Jin. I had opponents concede on multiple occassions on the spot simply because I took out their biggest threat with Vol’Jin + Holy Smite and getting a largely buffed Vol’Jin on top of it (mostly against Druid, when I swapped Health with their Ancient of War). He’s especially strong in the dragon mirrormatch (regardless of the class) because it’s a convenient way to deal with Twilight Guardian and getting a 5mana 6/6 in the process.
Yea man I agree. I have been modifying my dragon deck and I changed some stuff here are a few changes you may want to try.
2x power ward shield
2x northshire Cleric
2x twilight welp
1x shadow ward pain
2x wyrmrest agent
2x death
1x valens
2x blackwing tech
2x shadow madness
2x twilight gaurdian
2x nova
2x azura drake
2x blackwing corrupter
1x vojin
1x lightbomb
1x cabal shadow priest
1x chillmaw
1x ysera
1x mind control
I have tried different variations I have played this with only 1 holy nova I have done 1 blackwing technition and one dark cultist or two dark cultist and no blackwing. I feel like I don’t really need more than 1 cultist because I rarely get the benifit from him because people play around him and also the wyrmrest agents and twilight gaurdian are usually up around the time he is so they are forced to kill those instead. I feel like I get more value a lot of the times from dual or at least one blackwing tech. Adding the shadow madness and lightbomb really help against the secret decks Vojin I rarely run anymore, Anyway with the secret palidins an early start is essential and do everything you can do ensure there is not two minions on his board at anytime with a secret.
Vol’Jin is super good if you have welps or wyrmrest on board, or my personal favorite is to combo him with corruptor for huge tempo swing, also holy nova works well, he’s actually one of my favorite tech cards, my deck list only runs 1 combo with cabal/shrink, adds more late game with confessor/nefarian/chillmaw, and LIGHT BOMB MURDERS THE SECRET COMBO, remember that, I have a solid win rate against secret
it also works well against handlock’s twilight drake. U have almost no removal against it because its a 4 attack minion and u can make a 6/8 6/9 or 6/10 minion in the process. Considering handlock is ure worst match up if ure running dragon priest, its pretty sick
I am on a different variation of the deck without Voljin, but with entomb, and keeping dragonkin sorcerer in and taking out 1 shrinkmeister instead. This has brought me from rank 19 to rank 8 in the last 3 days, and I’ve been studying for exams in the meantime. This deck is currently 6-0 against secret paladins for me, the only decks ive lost to are one of the hunter decks when i had a horrible mulligain (couldn’t play a minion till turn 5), a druid deck that stalled out with shades on the field until turn 7 when it exploded me with tons of damage (savage roar + 3 trees + 2 shades on ~5turns stack…) and to another one of this deck (mirror) with no voljin, but confessor paletress instead, and they somehow incorporated chrommagus and dr boom, but the rest of the deck was the same. So as of now, I’m on a ~41/3 streak right now, and I plan on getting to legend with this, and posting all over the forums.