Dog’s KFT Death Knight Control Mage
- 2Arcanologist2
- 2Frostbolt2
- 2Medivh’s Valet2
- 2Primordial Glyph2
- 2Pyros1
- 3Arcane Intellect2
- 3Frost Nova2
- 3Ice Barrier1
- 3Ice Block1
- 3Spellbender1
- 3Volcanic Potion1
- 4Polymorph2
- 6Blizzard2
- 7Firelands Portal2
- 8Sindragosa1
- 9Frost Lich Jaina1
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I keep losing and can’t figure why
Any tips?
I replaced Sindragoza with Anomalus. Its awesome
does this deck do well against the current Kazakus Highlander priest? Been running into a lot of priests lately. Currently at rank 10.
Great deck my first match was against a jade druid and i wrecked him, you bet your sweet ass i bmed him hardcore even with his 13, 14,15,16 golems on board he just couldn’t even pop my first iceblock, Now after that win i made 2 changes i took out spellbender and volcanic potion and added another ice block and a skulking geist, so far 9-0 thanks for the deck!
Is Spellbender necessary to this deck or can I replace it for another spell like Counterspell, for example?
Its a good deck!
This deck is a soul crusher i am really enjoying myself lol
Barron geddon is the only card im missing for this deck is there anything i can sub him with ??
Blazecaller would work well.
No worries i crafted barron geddon just had to disenchant
Blazecaller doesn’t work off of the elemntals summoned from death knight jaina, so you’ll have trouble woth only 1 elemental
No fireball?
Any replacement for Sindragosa?
Sindragosa is really strong in this deck. He works so well with Frost Lich Jaina.
She* :))
What are you guys replacing Lich king with until hes unlocked?
u can also get him in packs
He’s not locked… You do not get Lich King for free. Only from packs.
what can i replace with baron geddon or should i craft it?
Any replacement for Pyros?
I have the same problem. I’m using Bloodmage Thalnos atm, but I guess with the Lifesteal Elemantel synergy from rost Lich Jaina there’s no way around crafting her sometime soon.
How has Sindragosa been working for you guys? Does it have good synergy with the new hero power, and that’s it?
The 2 legendaries have been 70% game winning and 30% memes so far so I’d say pretty good so far.
What could be a good replacement for baron Geddon?
Can’t really replace it. Anomalous maybe. The AoE damage it deals heals you with Frost Lich ability.
There are only 29 cards ATM
It’s missing Medivh
Fixed, sorry about that!
Medivh doesn’t seem all that great in this list. Am I wrong? Blazecaller might be a good fit for a 10 point swing (5 damage, 5 heal with FLJ) on a strong body.
blazecaller doesnt trigger off of water eles summoned from icy touch