Official Description for the Awakenings Deck Recipe
Summon forth a glorious host of Deathrattle minions to receive the Light’s ultimate boon.
Summon forth a glorious host of Deathrattle minions to receive the Light’s ultimate boon.
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I was thinking maybe you could get rid of a card such as bone drake in favor of mirage caller because it would be able to clone a statue, umbra, etc and make extremely strong tempo plays for the cost.
Expensive deck but I am having a lot of fun with it in the brawl. It leans towards a control deck imo. The crafting cost is the biggest problem, I am missing 5 legends. Play Amara, then N’Zoth, it’s almost instant gg.
I think this archetype will be one of the strongest in the new meta incoming, nice deck.
Yeah, and especially in wild.
I only do not use the BARNES card. Not really worth it to use and to expensive i think. I’m using ANCIENT BREWMASTER instead. Comes in handy when you finish quest to get back AMARA change to 40 health and take it back to your hand and leave a strong card behind.
Barnes is way better. Imagine you pull a statue.