Reno Warlock
Vs. Big Priests & Warlocks
Good Combo:
N'Zoth, The Corruptor + Baleful Banker = 2x N’zoth <3
Maybe Cards/Replacement Choices
If you’re missing one of the cards in the mainlist, just replace the missing cards with a card from here with similar manacosts and/or similir effect.
For Example:

20 Damage Leeroy Combo

Visit my other Legend decklists
Wild Reno Hunter (updated list)
Kripps OTK Combo Quest Nuclear Strike Priest
Wild Hearthstone Tierlist
Wild Hearthstone Tierlist
list will be updated 2 times per month…
SmilodeX is a card game enthusiast since he can read cards. He’s collecting cards from different card games and also played Magic the Gathering competetive. Smilo is playing Hearthstone since Naxxramas and had diverse legend finishes (most of them were in the wild mode). His passion is deckbuilding and playing control/combo & midrange decks. His goal isn’t just straight netdeck-meta-grinding, instead he’s trying to reach the higher ranks with his homebrewed decks. To have fun and to try out something new or crazy is his attitude, winning is sometimes insignificant. He’s analysing statistics to work out the best deck techs in current meta, improving different memedecks and matchups to have succcess with them on the ladder.
Hey any replacements for Malganis until i craft him ?
Hm, Mal’Ganis isa key card and very important.
But Play Mountain Giant, Sylvana’s Windrunner or any other solid big drop like Lich King, Ragnaros or Dr. Boom.